Mentorship From Hell (Edited)

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"AUUUGH!! WHAT WAS I THINKING!?" Joseph whined, pulling at his hair, What I said I needed a month, I only meant it as a bluff!! I didn't think he'd take me seriously!!"

"Wamuu always took fights against those he finds interesting seriously, "Santana stated stoically as he read The Art of War.

"I should've said I needed a year!"

"A tip for you, Jojo, "Caesar began, "Quit screwing around and act like a man! We need to think of something and fast!"

Joseph let go of his hair, "I know, this is how I think!"

His face then became serious, and he raised a fist to his face.

Sighing, Meibao leaned against Nakia as they drew a design in their sketchbook by the window.

"Once you're done with your thinking freak-out, "Caesar poured a glass of water, "I want you to pay close attention to what I'm about to do here."

Meibao smirked, knowing what the blonde was about to do.

As they expected, Caesar turned the glass upside down.

"WOAH!! The water is suspended in mid-air!" Joseph exclaimed in awe.

Nakia's eyes were wide as he was amazed by what he had seen.

"Jojo! Catch!"

Caesar threw the upside-down glass of water to Joseph, the brunette catching it in his hands, "Try to keep the water in the glass like that."

"Easy! I can do that in no sweat!" Joseph puffed his chest, confident.

Wrapping his fingers around the glass, Joseph sent Hamon through it, only for it to explode and spill all over him and gurgle.

Meibao and Santana chuckled.

"Here's what you did wrong, "Caesar began to explain, "The strength of your Hamon is pretty much equivalent to mine. But you waste a lot of your power because you release it from the palm of your hand. And thus, you can't control the water."

"However, when I hold the water, I release Hamon from the top of one of my fingers. A single point! That meant it allows me to focus my energy. Making it easy to control the water. Scattering Hamon the way you do just disperses your energy."

"Think of it as a squirt gun, "Meibao cut in, getting up from their seat and walking over, "One with its smaller hole rather than an open water hole, the water can shoot out further."

"You're naturally gifted, Jojo. But you need a lot of work to get your Hamon under control, "Caesar commented.

"Mei and I brought you to Venice to meet my mentor, but it's gonna be a grind!"

"OH NOOO!!" Joseph screamed, "Grind and hard work are probably my least favorite words in the English language!"


Arriving at the docks, Caesar looked around for a gondola to take him and the others to their place of destination, everyone else on standby.

"Venice, huh?" Joseph drawled, "I thought this was pretty much a tourist town. What's a Hamon Master doing in a place like this?"

Meibao only chuckled in response to his question, "I wouldn't blame them honestly~! The sights are quite beautiful~! Especially the people's sense of style~! Their velvets, silks, and lace are to die for!"

Chuckling again, turned to continue conversing with Nakia, as Santana stood by still reading the Art of War.

"Once again, I'm sorry that I left in the middle of your absence, "the dark-skinned man apologized.

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