We're complete

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15 years later

Many things have changed since the birth of our second child, Neteyam.

Firstly, he was an amazing child. He was sweet to everyone he met, but he was a big Mama's boy. When he was a kid, he hated leaving my side, always complaining that me and Ney'tiri could get attacked by sky people at any moment which was unlikely.

But at the age of 1.5 years old, I found that I was pregnant with our 3rd. In the moment, I was scared shitless. The thought of a child coming from my body was scary, but Ney'tiri assured me that I would be fine, that they would be with me the entire step there.

But the shock of his growing up was all because of Jake. You see, our precious baby boy boy who we named Lo'ak decided to take after Jake, and somewhat me. He was reckless, hardheaded, but caring. But that never changed our opinion on him, what kind of parents would we be?

And around, maybe 2 months after Lo'ak was born, we found out that Grace was pregnant, only weeks from giving birth.

Ney'tiri was the first to say that we'd take in the child. Ney'tiri had the utmost respect for Grace as she'd practically grew up around her so we were all right behind her.

I mean, Tiki, and Neteyam have been talking about baby sisters so why not?

When the baby arrived, it was like an abnormally. She looked so much like Grace, but we couldn't shake the question of just how Kiri was conceived. There was no known father, and even so the pregnancy happened years after her death... so just how?

But if you were to ask us that question, we'd blow you off. Kiri was still our kid, so she'll be treated as such.

But oh how she was an angel in disguise.

Growing up, she and Lo'ak were like two peas in a pod. They were best friends just as they were siblings, and when come siblings come ear busting arguments.

They were kinda funny though, I won't lie.

Jake didn't think so. As he himself got older, he lost his whole "Cool dad" attitude. He got more strict leaving me the only parent who had chill. You couldn't count on Ney'tiri either because she was always breathing down the kids backs, watching the world around them, ready to attack every second of there life in case something were to attack.

So, I guess that left me the "favorite" though I used to fight it. Me, and my loves were all equal to one another, so I didn't want to be the favorite but sooner or later I fed into it. I was the parent they talked to about their problems, the shoulder to cry on, I was their best friend as well as their parent, and I loved it.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the brother I never knew I had. Spider. Back when I was with dad, I remember hearing a little bit of a baby boy, but it was never really outwardly told. And whilst he was my brother, I, or anyone else, never claimed him. I love him, he's my brother, and the uncle to my kids— but I didn't want take on that responsibility. Sue me.

But still, They were all my family, and they were all I needed.

I was snapped out of my thought process by a tugging at my nail. It wasn't unusual to have your tail tagged on when you were surrounded by your children.

I looked behind me to see our newest addition to the family, Tuk. She looked a lot like Ney'tiri, but she acted a lot like me when I was a kid. She was a runner, always trying to see the world with her siblings, always trying to stay close to the people she loved. She was by far the kindest one out of all of them, but she did have her... bratty moments. All kids do.

"What is is, 'Tuk?" I picked the little girl up. She looked upset, tears clouding her eyes.

"Lo'ak and Kiri are going to the forest, but they won't let me go." I thought for a second, my attention going to the tiny knife she's just gotten not too long ago. It was strictly for self defense.

"C'mon, baby, let's go talk to them." Instantly, a smile took over the girls features, her eyes lighting up like stars.

I walked towards the waterfall that hid our temporary home that we'd been hiding at for the past while.

A few months ago, while me and my loves were out, Jake had noticed a new star in the sky.

A star that had never been there before.

"Lo'ak, Kiri, Spider!" Their heads turned towards us, knowing looks on their face when they seen Tuk in my arms.

"Why can't Tuk go with you guys?"

"Ma, it's big people time, Tuk is just going to ruin it." He said, his braided hair pulled into a pony tail.

"RUDE!" Tuk yelled, his fists balled up as she readied herself to punch him.

You know that thing I said about her being the sweetest kid you'll ever meet? Yeah, she wasn't like that with her siblings.

"Lo'ak, you, Kiri, and Neteyam always go in the forest without Tuk, she wants to come with you guys."

Lo'ak was about to say something only to get interrupted by Kiri, "Mother, I understand that we always ditch her but this will be the last time." I looked at Tuk who was already shaking her head no.

"Tuk wants to go, so she's going." They both groaned, they're heads hanging low as I passed Tuk to Kiri's arms and walked off with a cheeky smile.

Beggers can't be choosers.

She's O.U.R.S, Jake x Neytiri x FemOCWhere stories live. Discover now