Life that surrounds us

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Mo'at led me behind the giant tree where children of all different ages ran around, babies were pulling each others hair, toddlers running around with the kids after them. Tiki was off playing with the other little kids her age, around 5-8.

"Ever since the school closed, the children found themselves playing out here until Grace came back, but shes with Eywa now so they reside themselves here for some of the day to play. But as you can see, some of them still aren't over her death." The woman walked forward towards the children who ran up to her with smiles bunched on their faces while others stayed away near the tree lining, little frown on their faces.

"I actually think I heard of her back home, I was told she was a caring woman. She was selfless, always ready to protect other forms of life." She was better than I ever could be. I personally was always budding my fathers word as he stood up front, watching me do his dirty work. And never once did I ever think to disagree.

"She was, but now we must let her rest while Eywa takes care of her for us." We watched as the little kids played. The soil at me feet digging between my toes making me cringe.

The time went by like the life in my fathers eyes. And before I knew it, it grew dark.

Everyone gathered around while I stood far away, light bloomed around everyone as A passed out Jake and and his human body layed down on the floor. Mo'at had instructed me to stay further away near the hills as to not disrupt anything.

Suddenly it all went quiet before Jake abruptly sat up and looked around. It was like he was a new person because the scent human and Ney'tiri was gone, now all I could smell was him and Ney'tiri. A flood of pure nature and its fruit.

Once the body transportation  was over and done, everyone welcomed Jake as their new soon to be leader. Men, woman and their children surrounded  him and Ney'tiri leaving only one other at my side.


She hasn't  shown any interest in any of the leaders, or kids. So here she was, standing next to me with her hand in mine as we stared up at the sky, voices surrounding us before  I decided the speak the first word in an awhile.

"Why arnt you with your parents, Tiki?" Her full attention was on me from moment one.

"They're not with us anymore." I choked on the saliva  that was in my mouth.


"But it's okay, I have you now." It was sickening how easy she dismissed it.

I truly  had no words. Tiki knowing what my expression  was about, she continued.

"It happened when I  was 3 so I don't remember. Growing up Mo'at took care of me but even then as the Tsík she was never able to give me the attention  I really needed, I'm not mad about it tho." There was no way this was a little kid.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay, now I have you to keep me company." The smile she wore on her face lit up mine. I gave her a  genuine smile, her eyes twinkled into mine.

My smile dropped completely when someone walked towards us, my nose twitched at the gut wrenching smell of sweat.

A tall man walked up to us, his eyes glaring at me before settling on Tiki's small form, the shimmer in her eyes dulled when he bent down to pick her up.

"C'mon Tiki, dinner is ready." 

"Ill be there in a little bit." She sat back down in the middle of my lap. Mine and his eyes meeting before he dropped them down back down to her.

"Okay, but Mo'at wants all you and the others around the fire in a little bit." The man turned around leaving us in silence.

"Who was that?" I looked down to the 6 year old girl, her eyebrows pinched together.

"He wants to adopt me." Ahe had a frown on her face as her fingers thread together.

"Thats A good thing, why are you upset?"

"I just don't like him." He looked up towards me, her ears twitched as birds started screeching, "Im more comfortable around woman, like you." 

My heart swelled as she smiled. She was definitely bipolar, definitely bipolar.

She's O.U.R.S, Jake x Neytiri x FemOCWhere stories live. Discover now