✩⋆Thank You⋆✩

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On June 17th, I wrote: "In The Moonlight is a collection that has been published slowly and without any grand fanfare. This collection has come into the world quietly. It's appearing on here without fuss or commentary...and there's something kind of special about that."

I still believe that.

With my first poetry collection, there was fanfare: I announced the release of each new poem, made Instagram reels to spread awareness of its existence, and posted snippets on my social media. 

I didn't do any of those things with this collection.

Of course, I still wanted In The Moonlight to gain traction and reach the same milestones as We All Carry Ghosts. A part of me still hopes that one day it does.

But I know that In The Moonlight will find the ones who need it.

I know that the moon girls who need these poems will find them all on their own.

For what God ordains no man can stop.


To the original 223 people who viewed In The Moonlight, thank you.

To whomever finds In The Moonlight in the years to come, thank you.

Thank you for trusting me with this voyage.

Thank you for choosing to join this voyage and for staying until the very end.

Thank you for every kind word you've written, every generous vote you've left, and for every time you returned to read more.

I'm so proud of the voyager community that we have created on this platform. You have come together to create a safe, peaceful, and kind corner of the world that I'm beyond honored to host. You all are so raw and honest and vulnerable in your comments, and I want you to know that I see you. I see the broken pieces that you willingly lay out for all to see in the corner of my poems. I see the stories you tell and the heartbreak you recount. I see it all.

And I've never been more proud of you, voyagers.

You are the ones going out into the world and doing the brave thing every day. You are the ones who inspire me to keep writing because I know that you will return one day and revisit what we've built. 

You make me feel like I'm not just spilling my soul into a void.

You make me feel as though my words have meaning and power and strength and courage and tenacity. 

You help me realize that this is exactly where God wants me—inking my soul onto pages in free verse and prose and whatever we're willing to count as poetry because there is hope.

Hope for brighter days; hope for the stars that never dim; hope for the moonlight that pours over us as we walk; hope for the planets that create a tapestry of friendship around us; hope for the sun that blazes without end; hope for the gravity that anchors us to what's important; and hope that one day we won't feel empty or weightless or afraid.

Hope that we can make a difference in a universe we cannot comprehend.

Hope that the constellations we cannot fathom are still shining.

Hope that our little infinity is big enough to make the pain worth it.


The Midnight Girl collection has come to an end.

But this is not the end of my poetry. 

In the meantime, keep hoping and looking for the light, voyagers. There are brighter stars coming. I promise. You may not see it now, but God is doing big things. He has not abandoned you. He is still faithful, and His promises still stand true. 

Now and forever.

Until the next voyage,


Special shout out to all of my OG voters and commenters







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