17. selfish

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Blake's POV:
Throughout this whole practice, I've been so distracted, and I'm pretty sure Doc noticed. After he dismissed us, he called me over to talk to him. I approached him, and he was talking to Alexandra, the reason I'm so distracted today.

I discreetly grabbed her butt, not really caring if anyone saw, and she smiled in the middle of her sentence.

"Alexandra, can you give us a minute?" Doc said to her.


She smiled at me, and I watched her walk off. Once she was out of plain sight, I focused my attention on Doc. He started saying something about me doing a better job focusing, or at least I think that's what he was talking about.

After our talk, I went to see my little distraction. Since her back was facing me, I slapped her ass. She yelped, then turned around to hit me in the chest.

"Don't do that!"

"You weren't complaining on Saturday," I said in her ear.

She rolled her eyes and chuckled, then pushed me away from her, "whatever. What do you want?"

I sat down, pulled her on my lap and kissed her neck because I've noticed how weak it makes her.

"I had fun with you over the weekend," I said, letting my hand inch up her thigh.

"I had fun with you too."

I know you did.

"So what are you doing when you leave here?" I asked.

She yawned and ran a hand through her curly hair, "I was gonna take a nap. Why? You tryna come over and keep me company?"


She got off my lap and got her book bag off the table. "Then we should go because I have to pick up Jaden at 2:30."

I grabbed her hand, and we walked out to the parking lot. We stood by her car with our hands intertwined and lips connected until she finally pulled away.

"I'm gonna go home and take a shower first," I said, reluctantly letting go of her hands.


I gave her one last peck on the lips, then we went our separate ways.


Knocking on Alexandra's front door, I waited a few seconds before she came to the door, wearing only a sports bra and shorts.

"How come every time I come over here you're half naked?" I asked, stepping inside her house.

"You weren't complaining on Saturday," she mocked me.

I laughed a little then followed her into the living room. I sat as close as I could to her, then put my arm around her shoulders.

"I'm hungry," she said, looking up at me, "are you hungry?"


"What do you want?" She got off the couch and tried to walk to the kitchen, but I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her back to the couch.

"I want you." I pulled off her shorts and threw them across the room.

Her eyes widened and her eyebrows furrowed as she inhaled sharply.

"Okay, nigga, I was talkin' bout a sandwich or something, and you're over here talkin' bout eatin' pu...okay, Blake."

I chuckled, "say what you want, but you're the one who let me take your shorts off."

She smirked at me as I pulled her underwear off next, "whatever. Just do your job."

I kissed her "lips" and smirked watching her legs tremble a little.

"Yes ma'am..."


Alexandra's POV:
As Blake & I lied on the living room floor, naked, I started thinking. This is the fifth time we've had sex in less than a week. We need to slow down.

While we lied there, my phone chimed. I picked it up and saw that Malik texted me, so I texted him back.

"Who are you texting?" Blake asked, kissing my cheek repeatedly.


He stopped kissing me and out of the corner of my eye, I noticed he was looking at me.

"You still talk to him?" he asked.

I slowly turned my head until I was looking at him, "yeah, he's my friend."

He nodded. I could just be imagining this, but Blake sounds kinda jealous.

"Does he still like you?" he asked.

"I don't know." I sat up on my elbow and faced him completely, "why does it matter?"

"It doesn't. I was just asking."

He looked away from me to avoid eye contact, and I smirked at him. He's jealous and doesn't even know it.

"You asked for a reason," I pushed, "what's going on?"

He sat up on his elbow like I did and sighed, "I was just thinking...I know I don't have the right to feel like this, but it bothers me when you talk to other guys."


"Because I want you all to myself," he said, moving a strand of hair out of my face, "I don't even like when guys look at you."

I gently pushed him on his back and got on top of him. "That's pretty selfish, especially considering you're not my boyfriend."

I leaned down, so we were face to face, and kissed him. He ran his hands down my bare back until they were on my butt.

"Well then, I guess I'm selfish," he mumbled against my lips.

I rolled my eyes playfully and pecked his lips before I got off of him because if I would've just stayed there, we'd probably just end up having sex again.

We put our clothes back on, and I walked him to the door.

"I'll see you tomorrow," he said.

"Okay," I said, "text me when you get home."

"I will." He smirked, then placed a soft kiss to my lips. It sucks that he's not the relationship type because damn.

He left, and I waited until he was gone before locking the door and going upstairs to take a shower.

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