39 • acceptance

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Blake's POV:

Last week, I fucked up. I told Alex I loved her while we were having sex, and it has been bothering me ever since. She asked me about what I said, and I lied because I obviously wasn't gonna tell her.

People, mainly India and even Jada, have been trying to tell me for months that I was in love, but I would just shrug it off. Now, I'm actually starting to believe I really am.

I tried distancing myself from her the last couple of days because I figured we were spending too much time together, but my time away from her was kinda boring. I was gonna call her but before I could, she texted me two crying emojis, so I replied almost immediately.

Me: What's wrong?

From: Alexxx 😼👅🍑
satan's sacrificial waterfall..

I laughed at her word choice, but I knew exactly what she meant.

Me: You want me to come over?

From: Alexxx 😼👅🍑
yes please.

I quickly got up to put my shoes on, then headed to her house. When I got there, I found the spare key and let myself in. I walked up to her room, and she & Jaden were lying in her bed.

"What's up, Jaden?"

He turned around and waved. "Mommy doesn't feel good."

I sat next to Alex, and Jaden sat on my lap. She laid her head against my torso, and I ran my hand up & down her arm.

"Did you take something for your stomach?" I asked her.

She nodded slowly. "I took a Percocet earlier."

"Did you eat something?" She shook her head. "Babe, you can't take that kinda medicine on an empty stomach."

She didn't say anything back, so I assumed she was asleep. When I checked the time, it was 1:40, and I knew I needed to get home before two o'clock. Brynn was bringing Ford over, and she was always very punctual when she came.

"You wanna go with me to pick up Ford?" I asked Jaden.

He nodded, so I carefully got off the bed, and we went to my house. As soon as we walked through the door, Brynn showed up. After she left, I put Ford in the car, and we ran some errands before going back to Alex's house.

"Blake, what's that?" Jaden asked.

The first stop we made was at a jewelry store so I could pick up a few things.

"It's some jewelry I got your mom for her birthday," I answered.

"Can I see it?" he asked.

I showed him everything I got, and he looked at me and smiled.

"You think she'll like it?" I asked him while the lady behind the counter rang it all up.


I chuckled a little and nodded, glad that he approved of what I picked out. I knew if he liked it, Alex definitely would.


july 4, 2015

I don't know about you
But I'm feeling twenty-two
Everything will be alright if
You keep me next to you

I walked into Alex's house, hearing Taylor Swift blast from the kitchen, which was weird because Alex does not like Taylor Swift.

You don't know about me
But I'll bet you want to
Everything will be alright if
We just keep dancing like we're
Twenty-two, twenty-two

I went in the kitchen, and Jaden was sitting on the counter laughing at Alex, who was dancing in circles. I waited until her back was turned then walked up behind her and kissed her cheek.

"Happy birthday, baby girl."

She turned around and smiled, then pecked my lips. "Thank you."

"You like Taylor Swift now?" I asked as she turned the music off.

"Hell no," she scoffed, scrunching up her face. "But since I'm twenty-two today, it was only right I listen to the song."

I nodded while watching her scroll through her phone. I kept her gift behind my back, waiting for the right time to give it to her.

"So, what'd you get for your birthday?" I asked her.

"DJ got me this Beats pill & headphones, and India bought me makeup from MAC, and I haven't even known them that long," she said, her eyes widening a little. "But my favorite gift came from Jaden."

She pointed at the refrigerator, and there was a drawing of the two of them.

"Well, I got you something."

She grinned and wrapped her arms around my waist. "What'd you get me?"

I gave her the bag I was holding, and she looked at me skeptically before she took it. She pulled out the five boxes, then raised an eyebrow.

"Blake —"

"Just open them," I said, cutting her off. "But open the two on the left first."

She opened the two boxes, revealing a gold rope chain in one, and a matching bracelet in the other — something Jaden picked out. I wanted to get her something from him, so I told him to pick something out when we were at the jewelry store, and he said he knew she'd like it.

"Do you like it, Mommy?" he asked, visibly excited. "I picked it out all by myself!"

She smiled. "I love it, baby. Thank you." She kissed his forehead, and he gave her a hug.

She opened the other three that were actually from me and she smiled. I got her a pair of diamond studs & a gold necklace with a sapphire gemstone. I, also, had a ring of mine resized for her because I never wear it, and she wanted it.

Her smile soon disappeared, then she looked at me. "Blake, I can't accept all of this. I don't want you spending this kinda money on me."

"DJ & India did it."

"Because they wouldn't let me give the stuff back."

I put the necklace around her neck, then wrapped my arms around her waist and rested my chin on her shoulder. "Well, neither am I."

She turned her head to look at me, and I kissed her.

"Yuck!" Jaden giggled.

I reluctantly pulled away from her lips and laughed. "Are y'all ready to go?"


Alex helped Jaden off the counter, and we all went out to lunch. On the way there, I thought about my relationship with Alex. I couldn't understand how out of all the girls I've ever messed with, she's the one that made me consider settling down. Maybe everyone was right. Maybe I do love her.


Someone's in love 😊❤️

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