thank you. 💖

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i'm actually gonna miss this story. these were my favorite characters to write, and i'm sad it's over. 😪 honestly, i had a much different ending for this story. Alex & Blake had a baby boy named Joshua or Josiah (i don't remember), and Blake dumped her the same way Michael did. but obviously i couldn't do that to my favorite couple. i couldn't have y'all hate Blake like y'all do Michael, so i scrapped that idea.


thank you to all of you that actually put up with my shit and read through this entire story, even when it took me forever & a day to update. i love all of you: active readers, silent readers, people that stopped reading half way—all of you.

Abriella26 drizzyvibes- indiii_bindiii ThirtyTwoLove ashlelaurin fantasy_seeker15 Myrikal @annie174 @MachelleLaw i love how supportive y'all were of this story. y'all's funny ass comments always made my day. 😭💖

victoriamars girl, i think you've read every single story i've ever published on here, and i love you for that. 🤧💕

*there's another girl that's read almost every story i've posted, but idk her username anymore. she was one of the quiet ones, but i peeped. i saw you, girl. hopefully you know who you are. i love you too*

idk if y'all can tell from this random ass, sappy ass, all over the place ass note, but now that i'm finished with this story i won't be writing anymore. i probably won't even be on wattpad unless it's to read a book that's been updated. SO with that being said...if you have a book you want me to read or any suggestions, drop a comment. go ahead. promote the hell outta your book! self promo like a bitch, idc. i wanna support y'all like you did me.

anyway, if you ever wanna talk or whatever outside of this wattpad shit, you can follow me on twitter @chillbreaux
i would give y'all my ig & snapchat, but my life is dull & boring, and i rarely post on there (but if you still want it, i'll give it to you).

but that's enough of that. like i said, i love y'all. stay cool. 😘✌🏾


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—b. 💖

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