48 • blast from the past

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Blake's POV:

"Ugh! Fuck this stupid ass movie!"

I was in the kitchen with Jaden & Ford, popping popcorn, when Alex just started screaming for no reason. Jaden looked at me wide-eyed, probably because he'd never heard her scream like that before.

"You alright?" I asked when she walked in the kitchen.

"The movie I was watching just brought out some pent-up anger," she said, running her hand through her hair. "I'm fine."

"What were you watching?" I asked carefully.

She sighed. "Some stupid Lifetime movie called Double Daddy. It's about this stupid little high school punk that gets his girlfriend and some other tramp pregnant at the same time."

I nodded slowly, completely understanding why she was so angry before.

The doorbell rang, and I offered to get it since Jaden & Ford were keeping her calm. I opened the door, and this guy, who I'd never seen before, was on the other side.

"I..." He stepped back to look at the house then looked back at me. "I'm sorry. I think I got the wrong house."

"Who are you looking for?" I asked, opening the door a little wider.

"Alexandra Simmons."

"Nope, you got the right house."

I called Alex and when she came around the corner, she just stopped and froze like she saw a ghost.


Alexandra's POV:

"Blake, can you give us a minute?" When he was out of plain sight, I glared at the douchebag standing in front of me. "What the hell are you doing here, Michael?"

"It's nice to see you too, AJ," he said, putting emphasis on my name. He slowly looked me up & down and bit the corner of his lip. "You look good."

"Fuck you. What the hell are you doing here?" I asked again, getting agitated. "How did you find out where I lived?"

I hadn't seen this clown since the day I told him I was pregnant and now seven years later, he's standing in my house. Who did I kill in a past life to deserve this?

"Your mom gave me your address," he said. "I need to talk to you about some stuff."

Contrary to popular belief, I actually love my mother but when she does shit like this, it pisses me off. I wonder what possessed her to give him my address without my permission.

"Mommy!!" Jaden ran around the corner, but he stopped and kinda hid behind me when he saw Michael. "Mommy, who's that?" he whispered.

"Oh, that's nobody, baby. Go back in the kitchen with Blake, and I'll be in there in a minute, okay?"


He ran back to the kitchen, and I turned around to face Michael.

"I see you decided to keep him."

I guess he came all the way to California to get cussed out, I thought to myself.

"Again, fuck you. You thought I would get an abortion just because your ass was triflin'?"

He sighed and rolled his eyes. "Look, I didn't come all the way out here to fight with you. Everyone's been telling me about lil man, and I wanted to see him."

I furrowed my eyebrows, giving him an incredulous look. "First of all, his name is Jaden. Second, what do you wanna see him for?"

"Because he's my son," he stated.

I laughed, more like cackled, in his face because I didn't know how else to react to such a bold statement.

"Oh, he's your son now?" I asked amusedly, and he nodded. "When's his birthday? How much did he weigh when he was born? What was his first word?"

"Alex, don't start this —"

"No, Michael, let's start it. You say that's your son, but you haven't done a damn thing for him.

You weren't the one that was in labor for twelve hours with him. You weren't the one that had to stay home from school when he was sick. You weren't the one that taught him how to ride a bike or how to dribble a basketball. You weren't the one that had to give up a college scholarship to take care of a baby, so don't talk to me about how Jaden is your son when you didn't even want anything to do with him."

Out of nowhere, I just started crying. I didn't want to get emotional in front of him, but this has always been a sensitive subject for me.

"Alex, I'm sorry." He grabbed my hand, and I yanked it away from his. "I shouldn't have said or done that to you; I was young & dumb. But I'm here now, and I wanna be there for Jaden because he does need a dad. Doesn't he ever ask about me?"

I chuckled bitterly and wiped my eyes. "You know, when he was three, he asked me where his dad was, but I never knew what to tell him. When he was four, he asked Santa Claus to 'bring his daddy home.' Last year, he cried to me because all of his friends have dads, but he doesn't. Your kids will never know what that's like because you've been there for them from the beginning, and it's not fair.

But you know what? Now that Blake's in the picture, Jaden's not worried about if he has a dad or not. He's kinda like the father my son never had, so he's good."

I didn't know what he was thinking, but he didn't look happy. He was seemingly upset, but that didn't make me feel sorry for him. He had no one to blame but himself.

"I know what I did was wrong, but I'm trying to make it right," he said, sounding a little choked up. "Please just let me see him."


He rolled his eyes and groaned, obviously aggravated with me. "Why do you have to be so damn difficult? It's obvious you're just being petty & spiteful."

"You damn right I'm being petty!" I said, raising my voice slightly. "You were the one that said you didn't want anything to do with us, and now you're here begging me to let you see the son you didn't want. Fuck outta here."

He dropped his head and sighed, knowing I wasn't gonna change my mind.

"Fine," he said, sounding defeated. "Look, I'm gonna be here for a couple days. If you change your mind, and I hope you do, call me."

He gave me a card with his number on it, and I reluctantly took it. He let himself out, and I just stood there and let out a huge sigh.


So, Michael might be coming back into Alex's life. How are y'all feeling about him/his surprise visit?

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