41 • she cares

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Blake's POV:

"Alex, baby, don't stop."

I didn't know how Alex & I ended up in the position we were in. She came over because she needed to tell me something, but she didn't say anything. Every time she tried to say something, she would freeze up and the next thing I knew, we were in my bed.

She was riding the hell outta me, and it felt so good. I dug my nails into her hips and bit my lip as I watched her grind her hips. I wasn't focused on anything but her until I heard the front door open.



Alex stopped and looked down at me with her eyebrows furrowed. "Is...Is that your mom?" she asked in a loud whisper. "Your parents are here?!"

"Yeah but if we're quiet, they won't know we're here."

She kept trying to get up, and I kept pulling her back down. I liked having her on top of me plus, we weren't even finished.

"Are you kidding? They already know you're here, and I'm sure they saw my car in the driveway. We are not gonna finish this with them down there."

She got up, and I groaned as I watched her put her clothes back on. She left my room, and I followed her after I put on my boxers & shorts. She crept toward the door, but both of my parents caught us before she could get outside.

"Hello," I heard my mom say. We both turned around slowly and smiled nervously. "Well aren't you beautiful. Who are you?"

"I'm Alexandra."

This was not how I pictured her meeting my parents.

"Blake, you didn't tell us you had a girlfriend," my dad smiled, patting me on the back.

"Oh, we're just fr—"

"She's just the trainer for the team, Dad."

The minute those words left my mouth, I wanted to take them back. I could tell from the fake smile on Alex's face that she was hurt.

"Yeah...well, I gotta go, but it was nice meeting you both," Alex said.

She rushed out of the house and to her car. I knew I couldn't just let her leave like that, so I excused myself and went after her.

"Alex, wait!" I ran up to her car before she closed the door.


"Where are you going?"

"To pick up Jaden," she lied.

I knew she was lying because Jaden was staying with India for the night.

"Stop lying. Look, I didn't mean to say that."

She looked at me, and her face showed no emotion. I didn't know if she was angry or upset.

"You didn't even introduce me as your friend." I could see in her eyes that she was upset and not to sound like a little bitch, but it was kinda heartbreaking. "At least when you met my family, I told them you were my friend, but I guess I understand. You're ashamed of me and what we're doing, and you don't want your parents to know."

I couldn't figure out why she all of a sudden thought I was ashamed of her, but something told me Malik had something to do with it.

"You know I'm not ashamed of you. I just wasn't thinking when I said what I said."

She sighed and rolled her eyes, then put her seatbelt on, ignoring me. "Whatever. I gotta go."

"Call me when you get home," I said, and she nodded. "Gimme a kiss."

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