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Phew finally. I wasn't being tickled anymore but it took me forever to catch my breath. When I was able to look around again first thing I saw was Siri crying over me. Shit, what happened? Did I miss something? I glanced around and mom was staring at me in shock and dad was smiling so bright. Moony was in shock and I saw him try to ask mom something but the words weren't coming out but she understood him because she responded with a smile.

"Yeah, it was"

Moony started crying. Mom pulled him into a hug and he hid his face in her shoulder. I have never seen him cry but it seemed as if that triggered mom and dad because they all began crying and I was suddenly squished between four bodies.

What did I do?

It took about ten minutes but the crying finally eased up and they were laughing now.

Am I related to these people? From an outsiders point of view I am certain that it looks like they are insane, laughing manically with tears on their faces.

"I can't believe it. Me? His first word was calling me? Harry, my gosh I love you so so much, kid."

Oh. Shit. I spoke that out loud then.

"I'm so sorry Lils. I don't know why he decided on me. I can't imagine how you're feeling right now and you too prongs. We can leave for a bit if you want. I'm so sorry, he should've called one of you."

"Nonsense Remy. You both are staying right here. I'm sure he loves us and the fact that he called you makes me happy because I know he loves us and now I also know that he loves the two of you so as a mother, knowing my child has others to rely on means a lot to me. The fact that he chose great people means even more because I know you guys will never hurt him. You have nothing, absolutely nothing to be sorry for moony and don't let me hear you say that again okay?"

He began crying again and mom and dad held him tighter. I saw Siri reach for his hands and squeezed it comfortingly.

After everyone calmed down, dad extracted a memory, placing it in a vial. I can guess that it is a duplicated version of his memories from the past few minutes. I saw him make another copy and give it Siri and Moony.

"This calls for a celebration"

"You know it. I'll be back."

"Where are you going Padfoot? Be careful"

"Relax Prongsie, I'm just flooing home to collect a few things. Want to come with me Moons?"

Moony got up and went over to Siri still looking to be in a shock. I saw Siri put a hand on his waist and pull him into his side before they both stepped into the floo.

"We'll be back before you notice we're gone."

"They're cute. I'm glad they finally sorted things out and stopped being so painfully oblivious."

"Yup. I'm so happy for them. Moony looks so much better, happier."


I was picked up and dad hugged me and I felt him move forward.

Eugh, they are kissing. really people? I'm right here.

Then he kissed me on my cheek and forehead and my other cheek and my nose. I couldn't help the smile that broke out on my face causing mom to chuckle.

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