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Time Skip Two Months Later
Essences POV

Ever since I moved out of my moms house at first it felt weird but now I love that I live with my Aunt Isuel. Because yes she may have had a problem with certain things about me when I was younger but now she doesn't and she treats me better than my mom.

With my Aunte Isuel she's always asking me if me and the baby are okay or if I need anything but my mom he acted like he couldn't stand the sight of me being pregnant and never asked me about the baby. But today is not about my mom because today is the day I find out the gender of my baby.

"Babe you good?" Ni-ki asked me as he walked up to me. "Yeah I'm good I'm just happy we find out the gender today." I said to him. "Me too but there's something I should tell you so that you won't be surprised when they get here later with all the guests." he said to me.

"What is it?" I asked him. "I invited your mom." he said to me and I started laughing. "You're funny because I thought you said you invited my mom." I said to him. And he just looked at me.

"Wait you're serious?" I asked him. "Yes I am." he said to me. "Why would you invite my mom if even I didn't invite him?" I asked him. "Because he's your mom and he deserves to be here Essence." he said to me. "Ni-ki I don't care about him being my mom or what you think he deserves but I don't want him here." I said to him.

"Really after everything your mom has done for you , you just don't want him here." he said to me. "Exactly I don't but now because you did that behind my back he's going to be here and I wish you would of thought of that first because my godfather Namjoon is going to be here and he can't stand my mom still so when they get to arguing you better find a way to stop it because I'm not." I said to him and then I walked off going into the house.

"Essence what's wrong you look stressed and you don't need to be stressed." My Aunt Isuel said to me. "It's Ni-ki just pissed me off because he went behind my back and invited my mom to the gender reveal today." I said to her. "Okay but Essence I don't think that was a bad idea Jimin is still your mom even after the things that got said at Axtyn's party he will always be your mom." she said to me.

"I don't care I don't want him here I don't want him to be by me when I give birth and I don't want him in my child's life because I don't want him to ruin my child's life like how he did my and my siblings." I said to her. "Is that how you really feel?" she asked me.

"Yes it is." I said to her. "Fine I will call your mom." she said to me so then she got out her phone and called him. But when it stopped ringing it wasn't my mom that answered but my Aunt Conan. "Jimin can't come to the phone so what do you need me to tell him." My Aunt Conan said to her.

"Wait Conan why can't he come to the phone is he alright?" she asked him. "Why do you care Isuel?" he asked her. "Because I'm his sister and he's my baby brother so tell me what's wrong with him." she said to him. "Yeah the same sister who has his 16 year old pregnant daughter living with her instead of him." he said to her.

And at this point I was getting tired of them talking about nothing so I took the phone. "Aunt Conan this is Essence we just need you to tell my mom not to come to the gender reveal today because Ni-ki should of never invited him." I said to him.

"So you called Jimin's phone to un invite him to your gender reveal?" he asked me. "Yes." I said to him. "You know Essence you may be my niece but you are so spoiled and ignorant because you're upset Jimin can't so easily accept that you're pregnant for what because he got pregnant with you at 19." he said to me.

"None of that's means this was going to be so easy for him hell the only reason this is so hard for him is because he feels like he failed you on so many levels and he feels like everyone was right so got damn it Essence you were grown enough to have sex with Ni-ki then why can't you grow the hell up and talk to your mom or just forgive him because this shit that you have made up in your head about him is a fucking lie and you know it." he said to me.

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