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The Next Weekend
Axtyn's Party
Essence's POV

So right now I was in the car with Ni-ki to just get some last minute stuff for Axtyn's party today and when I say my mom went all out for his birthday he went all out. "What you thinking about?" Ni-ki asked me.

"Just about Axtyn's party and how my mom went all out for him." I said to him. "Yeah I saw some of the decorations at the house and your mom is definitely going to make sure he loves this party." he said to me. "Yeah that's one thing about my mom he always try's his best for us." I said to him.

"Even for you when you don't see it." he said to me. "What do you mean?" I asked him. "Today when I was talking to your mom while I was waiting for you he was telling me how he was going to make sure he goes all out for your gender reveal and baby shower." he said to me.

"I doubt he said that I mean he still can't even accept the fact that I'm pregnant." I said to him. "You're right because he never thought he would have to accept this from you especially at this young of a age." he said to me.

"Still he's been through what I'm going through so you would think that he would be more accepting." I said to him. "Just give him time." he said to me. "While you were talking to my mom have you noticed anything different about him?" I asked him.

"I mean other than the fact that he looks like he's not getting much sleep then no." he said to me. "That I've been noticing but it's like he's different like this person he is really isn't him." I said to him. "Why do you say that?" he asked me.

"Because at the house he is usually more energetic even with him working a lot because now with the twins he looks too tired to be able to really watch him the same with Royal and then even Axtyn was telling me he thinks something is wrong with momma." I said to him.

"Where's Jungkook at?" he asked me. "I don't know I haven't seen him for a week really so think him and my mom got into an argument or something." I said to him. "Don't stress out when the time is right talk to mom and see what's going on." he said to me.

"Yeah I guess you're right but have you talked to Jake because he's suppose to be coming today but I don't know if he actually will since Raelynn will be there." I said to him. "He's coming still he didn't want to miss Axtyn's birthday he's just going to make sure he doesn't walk into her or something." he said to me.

"I just don't want him to feel uncomfortable while he is there." I said to him. "He already told me that if he thinks anything is going to happen involving her then he is just going to leave." he said to me. "That's good then." I said to him.

"But how are you feeling with you know having to see your dad and his family today?" he asked me. "I'm a little nervous but I just hope I can talk to my dad without making a big scene because I don't want to ruin Axtyn's party." I said to him.

"Nothing bad is going to happen trust me and plus if anything does happen I will be there." he said to me. "I don't think that's much help because all my dad is doing to think when he sees you is that you're the guy who got his little girl pregnant." I said to him.

"But he should be happy that I'm staying in your life to make sure I take care of the child that I put in you." he said to me. "Which is why I love you." I said to him. "I love you too." he said to me.

And then my phone started ringing and it was my Aunt Isuel. "Hello?" I said as I answered the phone. "Hey Essence are you on you're way back to the house yet?" she asked me.

"Yeah we already got the stuff that momma needs so we are on the way now." I said to her. "Okay just making sure and what did you want to talk to me about?" she asked me. "Well momma has been acting more weird then usual and I don't know if I want to be around him because I don't want ever mess is going to happen to him to happen to me and make me stressed out which isn't good for the baby." I said to her.

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