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Few Days Later
Jimin's POV

It's been a few days since the whole incident happened and a few days of my son being dead. And I still can't believe it because Royal didn't deserve to die it should have been me instead of him .

"Jimin come on you need to eat." Jungkook said to me as he came in our room with food. "I'm not hungry." I said to him. "Come on babe you need to eat for the baby." he said to me. "I don't care about this baby the only baby I care about is our son but now he's dead." I said to him.

"Jimin." he said to me. "No Jungkook just leave me alone I don't want to eat I don't want to talk I don't want anything but my son but I can't have him so please just leave me alone." I said to him as I was crying. "Okay." he said to me as he walked out the room.

And when he left I just stayed in room and cried because I felt like and knew that this was all my fault. Maybe if I didn't tell Jungkook to give me Royal and then answer the door while holding him then he would still be alive.

"I'm so sorry Royal." I said to myself. And then I heard the door open to my room. "Jimin um Jordan is here with the kids." Jungkook said to me and I cried even more. "What's the matter?" he asked me as he got on the bed with me.

"I have to tell them about Royal." I said to him. "It's okay I'll be there with you when you tell them." he said to me. "What if they blame me?" I asked him. "They won't blame you but don't worry because I'll be there with you." he said to me.

"Okay." I said to him. So then we got up and went downstairs to the kids. "MOMMY!!" Dream and Treasure yelled as they saw me. "Hey baby girls." I said to them. "Where's Axtyn?" I asked Jordan. "He went to his room." he said to me.

"Okay." I said to him. "Hey girls can y'all give me and momma and Jungkook a second to talk?" Jordan asked the twins. And then they went upstairs. "How are y'all?" Jordan asked us. And I didn't answer him.

"Just taking it day by day." Jungkook said to him. "I want y'all to know that I'm here if y'all need anything." he said to us. "Thanks we appreciate it." Jungkook said to him. "And Jimin if you need me to get the kids again just let me know because I know this will take time to get over." he said to me.

"Thanks but call your daughter she's been wanting to talk to me but I really don't want to talk to anyone so can you check on her." I said to him. "Of course but I have to get back but remember what I said." he said to me. "We will and thanks." I said to him and then he left.

"When do you want to tell the kids?" Jungkook asked me. "We can do it now so we can get it over with." I said to him. So then I called the kids downstairs. "Mommy where's Royal?" Treasure asked me and it hurts to know if I have to tell her that he isn't coming back.

"How about we all sit in the couch and have a talk." Jungkook said to them. So then we all sat on the couch. "So um while y'all were away something happened and something that know that I think of it could have been very preventable." I said to them.

"And because I didn't prevent it something got lost." I said to them. "Momma what are you talking about?" Axtyn asked me. "I guess what I'm trying to say is that um." I started to say but I couldn't finish my sentence so I looked at Jungkook.

"So something happened to your mom and little brother Royal and your mom made it out of surgery but um your brother didn't." Jungkook said to them. "Daddy what are you talking about?" Treasure asked him. "That baby brother is dead and isn't coming back." he said to her.

"Why?" she asked him. "Because um he just can't." he said to her. "This is your fault isn't it momma?" Axtyn asked me. "What?" I asked him. "It's your fault that Royal is dead but you won't admit it." he said to me.

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