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Agent 3 looked up from their cellphone to see Marie, looking concerned but quickly changing her expression to a nonchalant one. 

"I couldn't help but notice you've sent multiple texts to 4 again." She pointed out.

"Yeah? What's wrong with me talking to her?" Agent 3 raised an eyebrow.

"You've sent about 15 in the past 30 minutes." Marie said, blunt and unamused; Agent 3 looked back down at their phone, scrolling up and counting the messages.

"Not that it matters," Marie continued. "Looks like Agent 4 muted your texts."

"What?!" Agent 3 quickly scrolled back down and looked at Agent 4's profile picture; There it was, a crossed out bell at the corner of their icon. Agent 3's shoulders sagged.

"Why....again?" Agent 3 mumbled.

"How long have you two been dating again?" Marie asked, leaning against the shack.

"...2 years." Agent 3 whispered, still looking at the phone. After a moment of silence, they got up.

"I need to leave early..." They said, not waiting for a response before entering the manhole and heading back to Inkopolis Square. 

"Muted again..." 3 mulled as they walked through the Square. "I guess I did something wrong?" They continued their walk in silence, passing by the shops before stopping at one of the windows; On the window display was a beautiful grey cape. Digging through their pockets, they found some spare change they had and entered the shop.


Agent 3 unlocked the door and shut it behind them.

"You're back early." 

Agent 4 was seated on the couch, watching TV and eating popcorn. Agent 3 was still before a loud explosion came from the cartoon 4 was watching, pulling them back to reality.

"Um, yeah..." They said, walking towards their bedroom door. "Nothing was happening so I decided-"

"What's with the cloak?" 4 interrupted. 

"Oh...I had an embroidery project in mind, a simple one. It's been a while since I made anything." 3 responded, smiling a little.

"You're an embroider?" 4 questioned, looking genuinely shocked.

"Yeah, I made the little dog picture near the entrance." 3 pointed towards the small dog that had been there since the two started living together.

"Oh cute! I thought we bought that." 4 laughed. "Are you home for the rest of the day?"

"Yeah?" 3 confirmed, opening the bedroom door.

"Cool." Agent 4 picked up their phone and tapped away, not saying anything more. 3 lingered in the doorway for a second before subtly shaking their head and entering the bedroom, closing the door behind them.

Hanging up their cloak on their coathanger, they examined it carefully. 

"Hmm...maybe nothing too fancy...just a 3 will do!" They finally decided. Picking up the cloak, they laid it out on their craft table and begun sticking pins in, in the shape of a 3. Looking around for their threads, they looked around the small, shared bedroom. 

Agent 4 had a lot of plushies, a desk that held a gaming setup and headphones, many wall decorations and posters, a section for turf war weapons (though that was shared), as well as her backpack containing their Squidbeak Splatoon outfit hanging off her bed.

Agent 3's side contained a large amounts of clear boxes filled with threads of different colors, textile fabrics, completed and abandoned embroidery projects, as well as the table they used for all their projects. Besides a small shelf of personal belongings and their bed, those was the only things they had.

A ping sounded from Agent 3's pocket; They opened their phone to see a text from Agent 4.

"Gonna go out tonight with friends, i love u."

Agent 3 looked down at her icon; They were still muted.

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