"Welcome to my humble manor!" Fenir smiled as the maids and the butler came at the entrance to greet his return.
Dan Heng and Blade were looking at the lord with a neutral stare, making him sigh "Wow, you two are seriously an hard public to impress"
Dan Heng's eyes shined as he saw a child running to hug Fenir's legs under some maids scolding him for running.
"Teo" Fenir laid his hands on the black hair of the little child, who raised a little his head showing his big red eyes "You missed me so much, huh?" he asked and the little child nodded with teary eyes.
"Oh, if it isn't Blade"
Dan Heng looked and almost felt enchanted, when he saw two red eyes staring at Blade. The owner of those was a woman with long silver hair, wearing a red dress. She looked beautiful as her stare was kept on Blade, who crossed his arms, trying to ignore her.
"It's good to see you" Blade said with an annoyed tone, making Dan Heng even more confused.
"Oi oi Ayrin, do not look like you're about to jump on him. He and his friend Dan Heng are going to be our guest for dinner!" Fenir exclaimed happily.
Ayrin and Teo looked at Dan Heng, who bowed a little, making Teo hide behind Fenir and Ayrin cross her arms and tilt her head.
"Whatever..." she said to then leave the entrance.
"I am sorry" Fenir looked at Dan Heng "She's probably still annoyed at Blade, sixty years ago they had a sword match and she lost, then Blade never came back so she got furious" he explained to then sigh "Apparently she's still pouting"
"I did duel her at night, giving her even the advantage to use her mana and strenght, her problem" Blade said annoyed to then look at Teo, who was peeking and looking still at Dan Heng "What's the deal with the little one?"
"I guess he's attracted by Dan Heng's aura, it's lovely isn't it?" Fenir asked as he did pat Teo's head who nodded a little.
Dan Heng looked at Blade, who came close to him to then leave a side eye to the child, who instinctively hugged Fenir's legs, making the lord laugh.
"Then... Shall we go for a dinner? Please, I will talk to my butler about the feast I'd like to have for this occasion, you may sit in the living room, I will come soon!"
"Ugh... why did I even agree for this" Blade sighed heavily sitting on the couch of the living room, as his red eyes were following the figure of the immortal looking out the balcony, seeing the garden of the manor as the moon rays were caressing his cheeks.
"Even the family knows you... You know, these encounteers are making me feel like after all I know nothing about you" Dan Heng spoke and Blade tilted his head.
"You just need to know if I am able to deal with your enemies... I met these people in my past... A past that I buried" he smiled insanely "If you wish to know more, you won't." he said to then flinch as he noticed Dan Heng coming closer to him
"We're going to share lots of adventures, I think it's good we know each others better, don't you think?"
"Why?" he crossed his arms in front of him "May I ask you something about you like... How are you a long life creature if you're human?" he asked and Blade looked away, feeling like his blue eyes were piercing through his mind.
"I told you there's not need for you to know me... I am just a simple ma.."
"You're not" Dan Heng crossed his arms "You have a powerful aura when you fight, your posture, your way to speak and deal with situations... Blade, it's like a deal, you know about me, I wish to know something more about you, please" the swordman fell for a moment into his eyes to then close his and sigh.

The Imprisoned Dragon - Blade, Dan Heng IL
FanfictionBlade held the chains and pulled to force the figure to get out of the shadow. His crazy and excited bloody smile disappeared once he noticed what he had in front of his eyes. The man had long black hair, he was on the ground, catching his breath, b...