When Fenir opened up his eyes, he couldn't believe he was between Evias legs. The elf was sat on the ground with his back against the door. His arms were Fenir's waist, to keep him laying on him in order to make at least the position comfortable for the vampire.
"Oh my.." Fenir moved a little a slowly to turn and smirk "How... cute" he caressed a little the long hair of the Elf, who was totally asleep.
"You look like a sweet flower, Evias" Fenir leant to smell a strand of Evias' hair, wondering how could they be so soft when the owner was such a troublemaker and always between forests and fights.
He did remember all the times Evias would focus on protecting his comrades rather than himself. That determination like he would put himself to flames to protect them, and at the same time he would look so elegant and focus like even though some of his decisions would put him to danger Evias would still go for them, and do his best just because he knew his team would be fine. Evias wasn't stupid of course, his decisions in fights were because he was also sure of his own skills and that's what Fenir actually loved about him.
Evias would look light and goofy sometimes, but on required situations he would just show himself impartial, fast on his moves and even deadly to cut any threat to him or his unit. The way those blue eyes would lock on target as the hands would swiftly move to grab the arrows and shot fast... Fenir thought Elves were moving under a synphony, in sync with the forest, those creatures were beautiful, and elegant compared to vampires, who were mostly beasts whenever they'd go feral.
The Vampire stand up and slowly he lifted Evias to bring him on the bed "I think I will enjoy this a little more" he stretched as his shirt was totally open. He stroke his short messy blonde hair to then grab one of the novels and crawl on the bed, laying his back on Evias' chest.
He grabbed the arms of the Elf and laid them around his own waist. Basically he simply moved both of them to somewhere more comfortable, but wanted to keep the position.
"Ah, that feels good" Fenir laid a little back his head to look at Evias sleeping to then snuggle against his neck and lick it a little "I wonder if I bite you fast, will you wake up?" he smirked to then laugh a little and get back to read.
Evias, after an hour or two, opened a little his eyes and almost shouted as he noticed he was on the bed with Fenir in all his beauty laying on him. The vampire's red eyes were focus on reading and the free hand was curling a strand of the Elf's hair.
"Oh, you're awake" Fenir smirked, keeping the eyes on the book "I was wondering what you were dreaming about" he left a glance on his own abdominals as Evias' in his sleep was touching him a little... a little too much up and down the naked upper body of him.
"Oh?! No! Nothing! You damn..." the Elf felt so damn flustered "How did we end up on the bed?!" he exclaimed and Fenir closed the book to then turn a little
"Why asking this when you kept touching the Lord of the House? Don't you know how arousing that was? Ah" Fenir sighed dramatically "I felt even bad, I was just reading and your hands wouldn't stop.. It seems you like when my shirt is open" he leant with an innocent smirk as his eyes glowed "Do you enjoy touching under my clothes?"
Evias blushed "What the hell?! No!" he exclaimed to then feel his heart pounding as seeing Fenir crawling on top of him with his white shirt open and the black leather pants loose was just so... not good for his control, he had to admit. Fenir looked like a devil, tempting him so badly.
Fenir stroke his hair a little with a laugh "Relax! I just moved us on the bed to thank you for your service of protecting the manor and yourself from my mistake" he spoke formally "And since I had to distract myself from the thought of devouring you a little while asleep.." he showed a book with an innocent smile "I read a book and enjoyed your attentions a little more"

The Imprisoned Dragon - Blade, Dan Heng IL
FanfictionBlade held the chains and pulled to force the figure to get out of the shadow. His crazy and excited bloody smile disappeared once he noticed what he had in front of his eyes. The man had long black hair, he was on the ground, catching his breath, b...