"So why did you change your mind all of a sudden?" Dan asked as Blade was riding the horse.
"Uhm" Blade was focus on the road, but Dan turning a little to look at his eyes made him sigh heavily as the wind was messing up the hair of the dragon and move the hood that was meant to cover his horns "Don't move too much" he laid one hand on the hood's fabric to keep it still against the wind.
Dan tilted his head a little, Blade raised his eyebrow to then force him to turn his head again "Aresta city is one of the most important cities of the outer territories, managed by tons of guilds who are against the Emperor"
Dan Heng opened up his eyes and got many questions after that. He wanted to turn to talk to him instead of looking at the road they were, but Blade's hand was staying still on his between the two horns.
"How is it still.... Wait, are you taking me to the ruins of a city?"
Blade stopped the horse and finally Dan Heng turned fully, to be face to face with him. Dan Heng crossed the arms as his blue eyes were staring at Blade, who had an annoyed stare.
"Seriously" Blade whispered as he did stroke the head of the dragon, making him close his eyes from the violent rub "Why the hell would I bring you to ruins? That city exists and it's actually one of the capitals... Aaah... Why do I like to suffer so much?" he asked himself feeling hopeless
"Huh? In my memories... I remember... Aresta... was destroyed" Dan Heng sighed at the thoughts "I was already stuck in that place where you rescued me, I had some good people telling me what was happening around"
"They were so good that they didn't help you" Blade said as he crossed his arms, looking at Dan Heng who looked at him with an obvious expression
"Have you ever heard of the Imperial Guards?" Dan Heng asked and Blade laughed "Don't laugh! Nobody could help me, the imperial guards would have murdered them... and it was my responsability anyway to help myself."
"Whatever makes you feel good" Blade cut him out "May you please turn around? The horse isn't already the best, stopping in the middle of the road is quite boring"
"Yes but I would like..."
"Aresta was indeed destroyed" Blade talked over him "It has been rebuilt many years ago and became an untouchable city, the organization of the city is on its own, and it relies on many mercenaries and many units from different reigns to assure some commercial routes. The Emperor can't touch that city, so can't the other reigns... It's a city where many outlanders, mercenaries, artists, heremites, find refuge"
"Oh? You think I will be safe?"
Dan Heng tilted his head and Blade sighed as he couldn't help but seeing a big question mark around the man in front of his eyes.
"But there might be someone, who can help you find a place away from humans but protected... Surely we will find someone out of the people from different reigns, who can help you"
Dan raised his eyebrow "Help me? How?"
Blade sighed "I don't know, surely those villagers woud have got into more troubles if you stayed there... I think Aresta isn't safe, but you're going to be less likely to be attacked"
Dan Heng nodded a little "A city" he mumbled "Hey Blade... Why do I feel... you're not telling me the truth?"
Blade tilted his head to a side as he looked at him "I feel something around you... You know that lying to an immortal will cause bad luck to happen to you?"
Blade smiled evilly and laid his face near his, like he was feeling excited by the challenge "Nice try, dragon, but there's no way it's going to happen to me"

The Imprisoned Dragon - Blade, Dan Heng IL
FanficBlade held the chains and pulled to force the figure to get out of the shadow. His crazy and excited bloody smile disappeared once he noticed what he had in front of his eyes. The man had long black hair, he was on the ground, catching his breath, b...