Epilogue (End of the Main Story)

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I cry

"Timeeee" Evias cried out, feeling himself crushed to the ground

Dan Heng and Theo were clapping happily, seeing Evias who was in pain under Yichen's tail.

"You're doing amazing Evias!" Dan Heng cheered, as Luthiel, Volre, Zeno and Fey were smiling in pain for their Captain whose skin was definitely turning into another colour

"Why did I even ask to train against Yichen, am I masochist?" Evias cried out to then notice Yichen yawning "Don't you dare sleeping on me! Move already! Alyneeee"

Dan Heng laughed a little to then hear Luthiel sighing "At this point I am not sure if Captain is training or just trying to survive"

"It's part of the training" Fey replied and Dan Heng nodded to then recall Yichen, who happily turned into his little form and laid around his shoulders, giving a little slap to Theo, who was sitting on the lap of the immortal.

"I wonder where do Blade, Fenir, Ayrin and Talon with their guards go everyday" Zeno muttered "It's been two weeks they keep disappearing with Umi"

Dan Heng tilted his head "I am not sure, am I doing good..?"

The elves went panic and Evias from being on the ground half dead, he stand up and run with an incredible speed back to Dan Heng who was pouting "ALYNE, WHAT'S THE MATTER?" he shouted and the immortal sighed

"Once I read in a novel the hero needed some time alone to think about his feelings with..." Evias held his shoulders, as Theo was looking up at the two with a puzzled stare to then get nervous as casually Yichen's long tail was keep slapping him on the backneck

"Dan Heng, I know Blade might look at me sometimes with those eyes full of love" Evias sighed with a sad stare "It's because Elves have an attractive aura naturally" he looked at the sky dramatically "Such a hard burden to deal for our whole long life" Zeno nodded looking at Luthiel who was taking notes with Fey and Volre "But I am sure he has forgotten about me, as I... have done it too... kinda" Dan Heng tilted his head and Evias cleared his throat "I mean, I believe in the code, never steal someone's man or woman, and...!" he smiled "Let's look at the bright side, some time without Lord Fenir around"

"Oh I didn't know you would miss me every day like that, Elf"

Evias froze on spot and kept a smile full of pain. He was so focus on his monologue his ears ignored the sound of horses behind him.

Dan Heng looked at Fenir and Blade getting off their horses with the others. Talon and the soldiers along with the servants rushed to get the horses back to the stall. Blade was literally looking like Fenir's brother the way he was dressed up.

That because he kept getting holes in his beloved uppercoat as Fenir wouldn't care anymore during their trainings. Blade once almost beheaded him for how annoyed he was, so he just gave up and decided to wear his usual clothes once their stay was over.

Fenir locked his eyes on Evias, who smiled innocently "So, I bet you're enjoying a lot the manor without the owner around"

Evias crossed his arms and laughed "I don't know what you're talking about. I was appointed to be Dan Heng's guard while you would leave for whatever reason, even though I am a Captain, I should know as well what you're all plotting."

Fenir smirked as he walked closer "Oh, we might plot a surprise attack to the Elves indeed" he teased and Evias gnashed his teeth "Oh imagine, an army of vampires and humans attacking your beloved forest, you're already here so I would even have a war prisoner" he then laughed and shrugged "Relax, why do you look so tense?" he asked as he crossed his arms

The Imprisoned Dragon - Blade, Dan Heng ILWhere stories live. Discover now