Side Story - Light and Darkness

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Evias woke up with a weird feeling covering his whole body. When he moved a little he couldn't help but flinch, feeling his neck, his back, his whole body actually aching a little.

"Oh, look look who's awake"

Evias blinked a little to then notice Fenir laying next to him, with his back against the headboard, focus on reading one of the Elf's novels.

He had on his white shirt open and his black pants covering his own body. The blonde hair was messy but he looked terribly hot, unlike Evias who was exhausted and dead inside even though he had "slept".

"Morning" Evias muttered as he slowly stroke his own long brown hair to then notice himself with one of Fenir's white shirts. He then did remember he fell asleep on the bathtub, so probably the vampire took care to cover him with something at least.

Fenir smirked and closed the book right away after those words. Evias flinched as he looked at him laying the book on the night table, to then turn and look at the Elf who showed him a mad and evil stare just like when a cat doesn't want to be touched.

Did Fenir care? No, of course.

"Oh my, why is my lover so grumpy in the early morning?" he moved his arms fast around Evia's waist to pull him between his legs and hug him from behind.

"Grumpy? I am furious! My body hurts, ugh" He sighed annoyed to then blush a little as he felt Fenir kissing his bite marks on the neck, and his hands were caressing his waist under the shirt

"Do you feel better if I keep kissing you?" he asked and Evias almost punched him

"No" he muttered embarassed "But I will allow you to give some more" he turned a little "ONLY, kissing"

"You... allowing me?" Fenir asked amused "Such a tease" he whispered as he kept kissing him and caressing his hair "What if I want more... Having you in this state, you clearly do not realize how desirable you are right now to my eyes... Always actually, my mind was at ease the whole night thinking about your body close to mine" he whispered and Evias looked at him, feeling an awful and strong aura, like he somehow was feeling so into him.

He coughed a little "Good, keep thinking, because if you try anything, I will.." he turned a little "Shot all my arrows here" he pointed at his neck to then get for a moment in trance as their eyes met. He leant a little and left a little kiss on his lips to then turn and let himself lay on his chest, making the vampire feel actually happy and amused.

"What was that?" he asked as he leant the chin on his shoulder, as the arms were keeping him close.

"We're together, it's normal to leave kisses, but don't get your mind wicked thoughts. My body is... exhausted" he muttered embarassed and Fenir did bite a little his pointy ear "H-hey!" he complained a little

"Oh, you're more fragile than I thought, I wasn't even going that hard on you as it was our first night" at those words Evias tried to move, feeling terribly embarassed. His lips twitched when Fenir held him tight and kept kissing his neck and ear "Where do you think you're going?" he whispered "My sweet Captain"

"If you call that not hard, then next time you will seriously kill me" Evias said, trying to appear mad, but his pointy ears were red as hell and his heart was betraying him again

Fenir laughed a littled and closed his eyes for a moment, loving the fact Evias' scent was still keeping his own aura "I am sure you liked it, haven't you?" he asked kissing his neck, making the Elf even more embarassed as he was actually naked if it wasn't for the white shirt.

"Let me go, Fenir, I am tired" he muttered to then feel Fenir's hand grabbing his chin to force him to look at him and get kissed.

Evias' body flinched a little from the sudden contact, but he couldn't help kissing him back, ending up with his body laying on the bed and Fenir on top of him indulging in the kiss.

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