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'Hi' -thoughts

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3rd POV:

A 13 year old girl with short dark green hair can be seen carrying a basket while taking a stroll in a small village called Windmill Village.

She was out to pick up seashells on the shore. As she went near the shore, she noticed a body laying down motionless on the sand with a wrecked raft and a bag beside the body.

The dark green haired girl dropped her basket and ran over to the body. Upon getting closer, she realised it was a little girl breathing heavily, sweating as she looked red so she placed her hand on her forehead.

Her eyes widened at how hot the little girl's forehead felt. The dark green haired girl shouted for help, waking up the little girl as she fluttered her eyes open. Seeing that people came running to her, everything went dark.

The little girl slowly opens her eyes as she blinks multiple times to adjust to the bright sunlight rays from the windows. She looked around her surroundings as she was about to get up, the door suddenly opened.

"Oh! you're awake. Are you feeling better? Here I've brought some warm soup, medicine and a glass of water" the dark green haired girl said, placing it on the table near the bed. A quiet 'thank you' can be heard coming from the little girl.

The dark green haired smiled and introduced herself. "My name is Makino, I'm 13 years old and you're currently in Windmill Village. What's your name?" Makino asked.

"My name...is Xuri, I'm 10 years old. The last thing I remembered was escaping from a group of pirates and stealing something..." Xuri trails off before widening her eyes. "Um, did you see a bag that was with me when I got here?" Xuri asks Makino.

"Ah yes! It's right here." Makino grabbed a black backpack and gave it to her. Xuri sighed in relief after checking that the contents in the bag were still there.

"What's in the bag anyway?" Makino curiously asks.

"It's just some shiny stuff and a weirdly shaped fruit. The pirates were so noisy when they got the fruit since the fruit is rare? I don't know what they're saying. I only stole it because it looked cool" Xuri said and then shrugged.

"Really?!" Makino exclaimed as Xuri brought out a cloud shaped fruit with swirls on it. "I don't know what to do with it.....so...

I should eat it before it gets bad!"


Xuri ate it in one bite, "BLEGHHHHH" she stuck her tongue out. "IT TASTES SO BADDD".

Makino panicked and quickly gave her a glass of water. Xuri chugged down the water in one go.

"I will never do that aga-"

"Xuri! Your hair!" Makino pointed to her hair. Xuri's hair tips changed colour, from black to white. She held a strand of her hair and examined it. "SO COOL."

Makino sweat drops, "Alright, now finish your soup and drink your medicine then get some rest. Call me if you need anything." Xuri nods as Makino exits the room.

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