19 - Sneak in

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3rd POV:


“Lord Luffy—!!!”

“Lady Xuri—!!!”

“Lady Xuri!! Don’t go too soon!”

The warriors of Amazon Lily fangirled over the two. Xuri and Luffy were sitting on the ship’s snake’s snout as Luffy’s new found friends were on the ground, talking to him. Screams were heard as Boa Hancock arrived.

“Hey!! Sorry for all the rush, Snake woman!! I just really haven’t got a moment to waste!!” Luffy called out as Margaret scolded him for not addressing Hancock properly.

“Please…address me as ‘Hancock’ ” She said, faintly blushing.

“Okay, gotcha, Hammock” Luffy said

“Luffy…It’s Hancock..” Xuri said with a sigh.

They begin to set sail as the warriors, Luffy and Xuri exchange their farewells.



“GOODBYE!!” Xuri and Luffy waved at them happily with a grin.

Hancock arrived on the Navy ship that was waiting there. “My conditions are as I stipulated on the Den Den Mushi.” she said

“It’ll be just you and that snake coming on board, yes? And as for your stipulation of stopping in at the great gaol of Impel down…i have managed to secure permission from my superiors. Ordinarily, a Warlord or otherwise, no pirate should be allowed anywhere near the place…But we’re making a special exception. There won't be time for you to stay long. Now come along!!” The Vice Admiral Momonga said.

“First of all, could you perhaps…do something about the petrification of my crew…? Are they dead..?”

Hancock bid farewell to her crew before undoing the petrification of the marine soldiers on the ship. “Now, Awaken..” Hancock blew hearts at them as they came back to normal. They immediately set sail as per order of the marine officer in charge.

In the Marine HQ…

“Fleet Admiral Sengoku!! We have received word from Vice Admiral Mononga!! It seems that ‘Empress’ Boa Hancock has finally folded..and is on her way at this very moment!!”

“About time…I hope she is not too late…that woman is a powerful asset..!! What about ‘White Flame’ ? Any updates about her?” Sengoku asked

“No, Fleet Admiral. It seems like no one has information about her whereabouts.”

“What?!? That woman!! She’s our key in winning this war!! Her power is equal to an Emperor’s or even stronger!! Do everything you can to find her!! RIGHT NOW!!” Sengoku gritted his teeth in fury. He knows how powerful Xuri can be especially that she is a holder of a rare devil fruit. All will be damned if she will not be present in this war on their side.

Back to Hancock w/ Luffy and Xuri…

Luffy and Salome were chowing down huge pieces of meat as Xuri was sitting down on the couch with crossed legs and arms, watching the two with a smile.

“WHEW!! I’M STUFFED!!! THAT WAS SOOO GOOOD!!!” Luffy said out loud. Xuri slapped her hand on his mouth. “YOU IDIOT! BE QUIET!” she whisper-yelled.

“MHMMMHM!!! MHMM!!” Luffy tried to say but it came out muffled because of Xuri’s hand covering and gripping his mouth.

“Hancock, is there someone else in there with you?!” A marine soldier asked as Hancock replied sharply with sass as she pushed the tray of huge empty plates outside the door.

Xuri and Luffy were by the window, looking at Ace’s burning Vivre card. “Ace, hang on a little longer. We’ve come to save you.” Xuri said to herself while staring at the sea.

The Navy ship Hancock, Luffy and Xuri were on has arrived in Impel down. Xuri opens the window and checks if no one is around. “Alright, the coast is clear. Luffy, Hancock, please be careful. I’ll go ahead first, Don’t worry I’ll be able to find you both.” Xuri nodded at Hancock while Luffy gave a thumbs up as he hid in Hancock’s cloak.

Xuri transformed into this light blue glowing smoke spirit with the head of a deer looking creature. “Be safe, Xuri~!” Hancock said as Xuri went out through the window and disappeared.

Xuri in her smoke spirit form carefully went through under the dock, making sure that no one could see or sense her. She then found a crack on the wall and went into the building.

Hancock went into the private room for a body check. “Please be gentle~~~” She said. Domino, the woman who was going to do a body check on her and the security camera guards got struck by her appearance. Hancock then took the opportunity to use her devil fruit and petrified them.

“Buhaha! That was close! I thought of running away so they wouldn’t see me.” Luffy got out of Hancock’s coat.

“Luffy…Looks like I can only bring you up here. I won't be able to use my powers and I can't hide you on the mantle. I want to help you but…”

“What are you talking about?! I wouldn’t be able to come here by myself. Even if the battleships surround the inside..that is enough!” Luffy smiled. Xuri went into the small gap in the room before transforming back into her human self.

“He’s right, Hancock. Without your help, any of this wouldn’t be possible.” Xuri sent her a sweet smile.

Hancock gave both of them a worried look. “You both…this is a fort where people cant escape. No matter what, don’t make a ruckus! You won't be able to exit if you’re caught. You’re both strong but…don't be too rough! Promise me!”

“Ok! I promise! Thank you so much, Hancock! I’ll never forget this favour! I’ll return it some day!” Luffy held her hand.

“Yes! Thank you so much, Hancock! You’re the best!” Xuri smiled at her as she held Hancock’s other hand with both of her hands.

Hancock fell dramatically on the ground, “Not anymore in this life…I have no regrets. This is…mutual love.”

“Hey! You can remove their petrification! Everything is ok now!” Luffy said

Luffy and Xuri escaped swiftly and quietly as Hancock was led into a big lift. While the gate of the lift slowly closed, Hancock saw Luffy and Xuri hanging upside down with a thumbs up as they mouthed ‘Thank you’.

Hancock gasps, thinking they said ‘I love you’ as she fell dramatically on the ground once more.

Luffy brought out Ace’s Vivre card from his hat. Xuri sends him a nod, agreeing with what he might’ve thought of. “Let’s go, Luffy.” Xuri whispered as Luffy gave a nod back.

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