From Whence You Came

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A bright sun first registered with you in this new place. A very familiar sun. One you'd seen the exact same for four years. Tears sprung to your eyes. You held the brunette close, eyes still fixed to the sky. A blue bird crossed your vision. You gasped cautiously, but excitedly. You missed the shift, looking down at the Sedai now in your care. She was not bleeding. You checked her scalp. Ben was a good teacher. 

Someone called your name, a familiar voice in an odd state. She sounded as if she might cry. Miss Peregrine never cried. You held back your own tears, tightening your hold on Moiraine. A very firm hand took your shoulder, fierce navy talons careful not to dig into your skin or shred the clothes you knew they could. You couldn't face her, even as she called out to you again; you could only shake your head. Warm, comforting hands, familiar palms took ahold of your cheeks. 

You were pulled to face Alma Peregrine. Your face folded with regret, but the Ymbryne shook her head in return, trying to stop you before you began. "I'm sorry; this was the first place I thought of. I-" You squeezed your eyes shut, shaking yourself. "We can go-" 

Alma took your shoulders, regarding you fully, with a sharp, "No!" She finally took note of the vulnerable woman in your arms. Those eyes finally cast elsewhere, you took in the woman. She hadn't changed, of course, living the same day for only a year. You were the one that changed, aged. Alma still wore the same suit, her hair still in its crazy do. She was so gently, looking over Moiraine. Her blue eyes were critical as she did so. You only in that moment noticed their equally aristocratic features, both were wearing almost entirely blue, and they both had that piercing aquamarine gaze. Alma faced you again, obviously taking over in her natural position as caretaker. She didn't touch Moiraine, but her taloned hands hovered over her. She couldn't see any injuries, though, so she was unable to help. So, she gave you her attention again. "Bring her inside," she murmured again. Bring her inside," she murmured to you. Noticing you had been staring, Alma softened and smiled. 

You looked down at the younger older woman and nodded with a sniffle. You couldn't be emotional. You had to focus... for Moiraine. You corrected your hold around her shoulders and got underneath her legs with the other. You gradually stood and Alma urgently followed, trying to support you. You followed Alma into the home and up to Olive's old room. Her fire-resistant bed must've been moved to your old room as an ordinary mattress set in its place. You laid Moiraine on a bedspread very familiar to you, having to resist the urge to touch the blankets. 

You expected Moiraine would be plenty warm in her many travelling clothes and so didn't cover her up. You briefly considered disrobing her even some but felt so embarrassed you changed course. 

You still eyed the bedding, but now in shame. "Thank you, Miss Peregrine." You stood straight and held your hands together in front of yourself. You couldn't bring yourself to look the headmistress in the eye, still so ashamed of your moment of weakness and the pain which followed, from all sides. 

Alma herself didn't know what to say. "Of course." She trickled from the room. 

Left in peace, alone with your thoughts- Well, that wasn't peace. Your mind was a wildfire. A cyclone of regret and nostalgia and worry. It was very confusing for you so you focused on the issue you could help. Sitting next to Moiraine, you took her biceps. "Here's hoping you taught me enough." You pushed the mental image of Alma in pain beneath you out of your mind and shut your eyes. You recalled the feeling; you didn't know when you started to enjoy it, losing yourself in channeling. 

Moiraine didn't wake up, but the color came back to her skin and she was breathing better. You just prayed that she would wake up in her own time, but soon. You were still not ready to face your past; the terror glued you to the current task. You stood against the wall next to the door, staring down the woman who was now your ward. You were laser focused on her, mind going in circles, stuck. 

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