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note cus i forgot to make an introduction and i'm too lazy to do one:

-17 years old
-met matthew in canada
-friends with matthew and jiwoong

-18 years old
-friends with gyuvin
-is dating jiwoong currently

-19 years old
-friends with gyuvin
-is dating matthew

-16 years old
-friend with hao and hanbin
-haobin are his parents

-18 years old
-friends with yujin
-is dating hanbin

-18 years old
-friends with yujin
-is dating hao


*-3rd person pov-*

"KIM GYUVIN WAKE UP AND GO GET READY!!!"gyuvin's mom said pulling the blanket covering gyuvin off of him.

"ughhh for what mom?it's too earlyyy"gyuvin said pulling the blanket back and covered his face.

His mom sighed."it's the day,we're going back to Korea-"

Gyuvin shot up from his bed."WE'RE GOING BACK TO KOREA??"

"YES GYUVIN.Now have you packed your bags like i told you to do last week?".His mom said smiling at him.

"oh sorry i forgot mom".He smiled back innocently knowing he's gonna get killed any second.

"You WHAT?!".His mom shouted angrily having a slipper in her right hand ready to give Gyuvin a beating.

'fuck how did that slipper just spawned there?! man i'm dead.'Gyuvin thought running around his room while being chased by his mother who is looking like a beast.


"MOM HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GET READY IF YOU'RE CHASING ME LIKE YOU'RE GONNA KILL ME!".Gyuvin said stopping his mom with both of his hands infront of him.

"fine i'll let you off this time.JUST BECAUSE the plane's gonna leave in 5 hours and you have a lot to pack so hurry up we're leaving the house in 3 hours.Damn all the running has made me really tired."his mom said panting.

"YES MAAM".gyuvin said saluting to his mom like he's in army.His mom just chuckled before leaving his room.

'i can't believe it...We're really going back to korea...and that means...I COULD MEET YUJIN!.After all these 12 years i'm finally gonna be able to meet yujin...i wonder if he has changed...what if he doesn't remember me?oh my gosh that would be so bad...'.Gyuvin's head was clouded with thousands of thoughts while his eyes were staring at the ceiling.

"no i shouldn't think like that.Instead i need to get ready i only have 3 hours left to pack."Gyuvin whispered to himself.But deep down he was actually really scared about Yujin not remembering him.

TiMe sKiP~~
* at Korea *

"WHOWH FEELS GOOD TO BE BACK".Gyuvin said smiling widely that people around him starts to think he's crazyyy.

His mom slapped the back of his head and said."Stop being such a weirdo and help me with these bags."Throwing a bag at gyuvin's face.

"Owww mommm that hurtss..."Gyuvin whined while pouting.

"Ugh stop being so dramatic gyu.Hurry up and help me with these bags cus after this we're gonna go register you to your new school"his mom said rolling her eyes.

Gyuvin's face lit up instantly at the word 'school'."OH MY GOSH REALLY?!WILL YUJIN BE THERE???PLEASE SAY YES MOM."He said waiting for an answer from his mom.

"Gyuvin,do i look like i know everything?no right?so you just have to wait and see if Yujin will be there so in the mean time you better help me with this luggage or i'm gonna disown you."His mom said making gyuvin have a disappointed face on.

"Okayyyy mOm."He said sarcastically.But what he didn't know is that his mom already planned everything and knew from the very beginning that yujin also go to his new school.She just don't want to spoil the suprise that's all.


Welp i'm sorry this is so bad;).Anyways these days math is killing me fr someone pls send help:< and don't forget to drink WaTeRr and stay healthy !!♡.

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