Chapter 1

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I was sitting by the stream when Momma came running through the trees. "Mya! Mya! Massa said he need us in the main house. Said it was an emergency!" Momma turns and runs back the way she came. I quickly follow behind her. All my brothers and sisters, the other slaves, are gathered in front of the door to the main house. Master Martin is on the top step impatiently tapping his foot. When he sees Momma and I running towards the group, he claps his hands and smiles. "Miss Smith! Mya! Thank you for joining us so quickly." We both reply with breathless "Yes master"'s before he begins his announcement.

"Alright everybody. My son, James Martin, is comin' home after nine long months at boarding school." All us slaves clap. Master Martin beams again before continuing, "Yes, thank you! I would like to surprise him with a feast this evenin'. I'm plannin' on invitin' a few guests, so whoever is gon' do the cookin', make plenty. The house needs to be in tip-top shape, you all know how I like to make good impressions! Now when he arrives," Master checks his watch, "In four hours, I want you all to act normally." Master looks at me, "Mya, you will prepare him some lunch and bring it to his room. Try to convince him to rest so that we can finish the preparations for the feast. Don't give anythin' away, I want it to be a surprise."

"Yes Master." He nods and smiles at all of us. "Good. Okay everyone, let's get to work!" He claps his hands together and we all go our separate ways. Momma mutters somethin' about the kitchen, she's probably going to help with the cookin'. I head back to the stream since my only job is to make and serve lunch for Master's son.

During the four hours before Master James' arrival, I wander from the stream to the stables, where I brush all the mares down. The time passes quickly though, so I hurry to the kitchen and prepare Master James a sandwich. From the kitchen, I hear the doorbell ring and Master Martin say, "James! Weolcome home, my boy! Go on upstairs and I'll have someone bring you some lunch." I don't hear Master James' answer, but I grab his sandwich and hurry out of the kitchen.

When I approach Master Martin, he whispers, "His room is the third door on the right."

"Yes Master," I say as I hurry up the stairs. I reach Master James' room in good time. Quietly, I knock on his door. "You may enter," he calls. I turn the knob and silently enter his room. Keeping my eyes on the floor, I ask, "Where would you like your lunch, Master Martin?" I can feel his stare, but I don't look up.

"Put it on the dresser, please." I walk over to the grand dresser and place it on top. When I turn back around to exit the room, I bump into somethin' hard and warm. I gasp and look up. A young man, tall with golden skin and eyes so blue and so dark they looked black, curly brown hair, straight white teeth, and a strong jaw looked down at me. I hastily say, "My apologies Master Martin. I wasn't expectin' you to be behind me."

He stares long and hard before he smiles softly. Heat rushes to my cheeks. He has a nice smile, I think to myself. I quickly swat the thought away and walk to the door. "Wait a second!" I stop and slowly turn back around, my eyes staring at my feet. "Yes Master Martin?" I hear him step closer. "Please look at me." Slowly my eyes make their way to his handsome face.

He smiles again, and more heat flushes my cheeks. "Can I ask you somethin'?" I nod quickly, unable to answer out loud. "How come your skin is so light?" I flinch.

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