Chapter 10

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Mya's lips were softer than silk and sweeter than sugar. I could stand here like this with her, nothing touching but our lips, for an eternity. I probably would've if I hadn't heard father's voice yelling my name. 

Stepping back, reluctantly, I quickly clasp Mya's hand in mine. Her eyes snap open and for a second I'm mesmerized. She looks like an angel. Her hazel, more like green and gold, eyes are wide, soft pink lips are parted, and stray light brown curls frame her face. 

"What is it? Did you not like-" She stops as I shake my head. 

"No Mya, it was wonderful. You are wonderful, but father is looking for me." 

She frowns, confused. "How-" I stop her again.

"Come Mya, we can talk later. Just don't let go of my hand, alright?" She nods quickly. With that I run into the trees, fast enough that no one will see us if they look out the windows, but slow enough so that Mya can keep up. 

I run in the direction of father's old boathouse. We haven't gone there in years; I'd almost forgotten about it. In the distance, I can see the top of a rundown roof. I slow down, sure that it's the boathouse. 

Mya suddenly lets go of my hand. Startled, I turn around. She's hunched over, her hands on her knees and her head between her shoulders. I step towards her and gently rub my hand up and down her back.

"Mya, are you alright?"

She nods but says nothing. 

"Are you sure?"

She nods again, still silent.

I sit beside her, still rubbing her back, until finally, she lifts her head. 

Her forehead is shiny with sweat and her breathing is still slightly shallow, but she says, "The next time re run away, you'd better carry me because I am not doing that again!" 

Relieved, I laugh. Soon, I can hear her giggling too. I look over at her.

"I love that sound." 

She looks over at me, eyebrow raised, "What sound?" 

I hold her gaze, "The sound of your giggle. I love it." 

Mya's answering smile is small and shy, but even in the dim moonlight, I can see her cheeks darken.

  She's still smiling as she stares out at the trees. I take the opportunity to stare at her. Her beauty is so overwhelming that sometimes, it's hard for me to believe that she's actually real. 

She turns her head suddenly, catching me staring. This time we both blush. Slowly she lays back onto the ground and stares at the sky. I lean back, turning to stare at her instead of the sky. 

"Where are we?" She whispers, her eyes on the stars. 

"My father's old boathouse," I whisper back, "He used to take me here when I was younger."

She looks at me now, "I like it very much here. Almost better than my stream." 

I rest my head on my hands, "Mya?"

A little crease forms between her eyebrows as she speaks. "Yes?"

I gently cup her cheek with my hand and smooth out the wrinkle with my thumb. Shocked at my own audacity, I begin to pull my hand away but Mya holds it to her face. "Your hand is warm." 

I sigh content. We lye there staring at each other for quite some time. I don't know if we were like that for minutes or hours, and frankly, I didn't care. 

Before I met Mya, life seemed pretty complete. I go to one of the best schools in the country, I'm wealthy, I receive plenty of female attention even though it's unwanted. But Mya's filled a hole in me, a hole I didn't even know I had. Lying here with her, completely still besides the rise and fall of our chests as we breathe, I can almost feel my heart swelling with...with...with love for her. In no time at all Mya has completely, irrevocably captured my heart. I am in love with Mya.

Still dazed by this revelation, I whisper, "Mya?" 

"Yes James?" She whispers back. My heart swells even more with love and joy. 

"Do you believe in love at first sight?" 

She frowns a little, "I don't you?"

I can't hold back the grin that threatens to split my cheeks, "I didn't...but, I think I do. I think I'm in love with you Mya." 

Her green and gold eyes widen as she gasps. 

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