Chapter 4

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I watch Mya as she steps out the front door. Her curly brown hair lifts in the wind, it's long strands flying behind her. I smile softly as she tilts her head back and smiles, her eyes closed. Her body turned to the sun, Mya just stands there. I make a mental picture of the way she looks now and tuck it into my memory.

When she knocked on my door, only ten minutes before, I never would've been able to imagine a beauty so great. Her skin was the color of coffee and milk mixed together. Her eyes were hazel, framed by long dark lashes, and I could have sworn I saw gold flecks in them as well. She had a petite frame and a graceful walk. Her hair was long, a few shades darker than her skin, and curly. She was soft spoken, polite, and respectful. I chuckle to myself, remembering how shocked I was when she made me laugh. She did it effortlessly, completely oblivious to the fact that she was the reason for my amusement. Mya was magnificent.

"Sweet Mya, I believe I've taken a rather quick liking to you," I whisper as I look back out the window. Mya isn't smiling anymore. She's facing away from me now. She begins to gesture to the house, but her arm falls to her side, her hand clenched in a fist. I open the window and listen. A familiar voice scoffs and says, "I know where his room is located, you dumb bitch." I angrily shut the window and race down the stairs.

Adam is walking in through the front door when I reach the bottom. When he sees me, his face lights up with a grin, "James, welcome back! It has been trying for me here without you. I am constantly dodging women I've laid with while I'm in the presence of another I plan to lay!" He laughs and pulls me into a bear hug. With his arm still around my shoulders, he drags me into the parlor, where he slumps into a chair. He continues, fiddling with some dirt under his nail, "And you would not believe the idiot I just encountered." He looks up at me, laughing again, "She was definitely stupid, but even I must admit that she was a mighty fine creature. I might bed her-" He finally stops talking when he sees I'm not laughing with him.

"Is there a reason that you're here," I say coldly, "Because if not, I'd like for you to leave." Adam's mouth opens, but nothing comes out. He proceeds to open and close it a few more times before he finally speaks. "James, are you alright? You usually laugh when I speak nonsense like this."

I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose in irritation, "Well it's not funny to me at the moment." I say harshly. Adam flinches. I sigh again, "Look, I just need to get some rest. I'll be fine this evening, you can come back then. We're having a soiree of sorts." Looking relieved, Adam stands, his usual grin back on his face. He claps me on the shoulder and heads for the door. "Oh and James?" he calls.

"Yes Adam?"

His eye light up with mischief as he says, "Dress nicely, I plan on bringing a few female companions." I fake a laugh as he leaves. One of the maids turn the corner. I approach her, seeing an opportunity. She looks up at me warily, her body tense. "Miss, could you please tell me where I might find Miss Mya?" The maid visibly relaxes when she realizes she's not in trouble.

"Yes master. On her free time, she usually brushes the mares. You'll most likely find her out in the stables." Already walking to the door, I call, "Thank you, ma'am." She nods and walks away. Adam's carriage is gone when I step outside. The setting sun colors the sky in oranges and pinks, and a cool breeze lifts my hair. I jog to the stables, hoping Mya is still there.

The doors to the stable are ajar when I reach it. Peeking inside, I see Mya brushing down my horse, Maxon. She hums quietly to herself, unaware that I'm watching her. She's so beautiful, I think to myself. I slowly push the door open wider and walk in. "Mya?" I call. She jumps and drops the brush. Picking it up, she whirls to face me, "James-I mean Master Martin! You scared me half to death! What are you doing out here?" Her green eyes are wide as she waits for my answer.

"Come walk with me." I say. A tiny crease appears between her brows; my fingers twitch, wanting to smooth it out.


I smile, "Because you're indebted to me, remember?"

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