Chapter 2

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"Daddy, I'll go get the wood for you. You're sick enough as it is." Daddy opens his mouth to refuse my help, but a cough overwhelms him. "I'm fine," He wheezes out. I laugh softly and say, "No Daddy, you are not fine. Let your body rest, I'll be back in just a little." I grab my shawl and head out into the pouring rain. I jog over to our little shed house wear we keep Massa's tools and the firewood. I gather as many logs into my arms as I can and turn back around. Before I can run back to Daddy and I's tiny home, I hear the slurred words of a drunk and soon after hear his stumblin' footsteps.

I hide behind the side of the shed as silent prayers slide off my tongue. The drunk starts to sing loudly. His footsteps get louder and louder, and when he passes me, I let go of a relieved breath. I slowly begin to back away when my foot snaps a twig.

The drunk man stops singing, stops walking. Panic begins to turn my stomach. He turns around and I gasp, it's Massa. I laugh quietly, "Oh, it's just you Massa. I thought you was somebody else." He laughs too, but there's something dark in Massa's eyes tonight. He slowly walks towards me, "Beautiful , beautiful Lilly. I was looking allllll over for you." He reaches for my face, but I take a step back. "Massa, are you alright?"

"Me?" He laughs again, "I am most certainly not alright. I am, however, feeling arousssssssed by your presence, Lilly." Massa grabs my arm and pulls me to him, the firewood falling from my arms and into the mud. "Massa, if you'll just return to your chambers, I'll make you some tea."

Massa's fingers begin to unhook the buttons on my nightdress, "I don't want you to make me tea, Lilly, I want you to make me feel gooood." I slap his hands away and push away from him. "Massa stop! You are drunk, you should try and get some sleep!" Massa's face transforms so quickly and so suddenly, it makes my blood run cold. His hand swipes across my face so fast that I don't feel the pain at first. The force of it knocks me to the ground.

I try to scramble back to my feet, but Massa's already on top of me. His fist connects with my face again, and the warm blood trickles into my mouth. "You cannot resist me Lilly." Massa whispers in my ear. I bring my knee up into his stomach and he rolls away, swearing. I get up and run into the trees. Unsteady footsteps follow behind me.

Hands grab my waist and pull me backward. I fly several feet before slamming into the ground. My back arches as oxygen rushes out of my lungs. I gasp in greedy breaths as my lungs open up again. Massa slides back on top of me, pinning my arms above my head. He slaps me hard. So hard that the trees around me spin. Black spots dot my vision when I look back at Massa.

He flips me onto my stomach and rips my nightdress from my body. He lays on top of me, his entire body pressed into the back of mine. In my ear, he whispers, "I will have my way with you, Lilly." The last thing I hear before I black out is Massa's belt unbuckling.

When I wake up, I'm in the back of a wagon, surrounded by sleeping slaves. I try to sit up, and a painful hiss escapes my lips. I look down at my body. I've been covered with a sheet stained with blood. I peek beneath the sheet and see that cuts cover most of my body. The wagon rolls over a large jump and the cuts rip open again, fresh blood wetting the dirty sheet. I cry for a long time before sleep overwhelms me.

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