Chapter 9

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It doesn't take us long to get back to the house. Laughter could be heard from where we were standing, but I ignore it and continue around to the back entrance. Master James' footsteps were beginning to get loud and unsteady.

"Are you alright?" I ask him. His gaze flicks up to my face. For a second he doesn't say anything, he just stares. Then finally, when I'm just about to turn back around, he nods.

"Okay, good. The only problem is getting you upstairs without anyone-"

"Without anyone seeing me, right?" He finishes, a hint of anger seeping into his tone.

"No. Without anyone seeing me." I say irritated.

Master James' huffs with exasperation, "Why does it matter if someone sees you or not?"

"Have you ever seen a slave dragging a drunk white man up to his room?"

"Well no, of course not. But-"

"But nothing, Master Martin. That is the only problem we have at the moment."

I step away from him towards the window. Standing on the tips of my toes, I can see that all of Master's guests mindlessly wander around. It'll be impossible to get past them without getting caught. I turn to face Master James' again, "I think it'd be best if you went in alone because-"

"Mya stop!" He yells. Too shocked to say anything, I just stare. He drunkenly runs his hand through his hair, "Is there something wrong with me?"

"I-I don't think there's anything wrong with you, there something wrong with you?"

He sighs sadly, "Then why?"

"Why what? I don't understand why you're so upset!"

"I'm upset because of you, Mya!" He yells, the sadness gone as quickly as it'd come.

I throw my hands up in frustration, "What did I do?" He staggers closer to me, and I inch back until my back presses against the wall.

"W-we were having fun, and then you just-you just shut me out, a-and I-" He stumbles and I throw up my hands to catch him, but he quickly steadies himself on the wall beside me.

"I already told you Mas-"

He interrupts me again, "Stop calling me Master, damn it! I am James, just James!"

"For the last time, I CAN'T CALL YOU THAT!" I yell at him. He stares at me, mouth open and eyes wide. I try to regain my calm, but the anger consumes me and I go on. "I am not one of your little white friends, sir, and I am certainly not going to be your friend. I AM A SLAVE, nothing more and nothing less. And for some reason," I take a deep breath before continuing, most of my anger whooshing out as I exhale.

"And for some reason," I say tiredly, "You don't understand that. We," I gesture between us, "We can't be friends...or anything or that matter." I turn my back to him and stare at the moon.

I don't take my eyes off of it, even as Master James' comes to stand beside me. From the corner of my eye, I watch him raise his head to stare at the moon too. "So beautiful." He whispers.

"The moon is always beautiful." I whisper back.

He steps in front of me, blocking the moon. I try to step around him, but he moves with me.

"What the hell-"

He cuts me off, "I wasn't talking about the stupid moon, Mya. I was talking about you. You are so beautiful."

I shake my head and take a step backwards, "Stop, I just told you why-"

"I don't care, Mya. I don't care that you're a slave and I don't care that you're not white. I don't care about anything that's causing you to shut me out. I just care about you, Mya."

I throw my hands up in exasperation, "How can you care for someone you just met?! You don't even know me!"

He shakes his head, a smile beginning to light his drunken face. "You're telling me that you don't feel anything at all? That there isn't something between us?" I shake my head, unable to say 'no' out loud. His smile grows as he steps closer, forcing me back against the wall again.

"Really, Mya? I don't think I believe you." He steps closer still, his face mere inches from mine. "No!" I whisper desperately. He slowly cups my cheek with his hand, its warmth makes me shiver. Unconsciously, I lean into it. He bends his face closer to mine, so close his breath, warm with the lingering scent of brandy, blows gently over my face every time he breathes.

"I want to kiss you," he whispers, "I want to kiss you so badly, Mya. Will you let me?" I stare into his eyes. They look black now, like two black orbs that could swallow you whole if you got too close. In that moment, something in me collapsed. It was most likely my will, which had previously been locked away in an isolated stone tower, higher than the clouds and indestructible.

But with one look, one breath, one question, James knocked it down. "Yes." I finally whisper back. His smile makes me gasp. It was so beautiful. No, he is so beautiful.

James leans down and gently presses his lips to mine.

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