A/N Wattpad was acting up when I did chapter Two so here are the pictures of Old Madame Zhang's outfit and face.

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Everyone around them started to whisper

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Everyone around them started to whisper. Jade had to hold back her laughter once more as Old Madame Zhang signaled to one of the maids to quiet everyone.

It was clear to Jade that non of the girls here where of Nobel satuse. Most likely due to Old Madame Zhang's treatment of the girls. Even if the crown Prince refuses to make her step down. He was apparently smart enough to know that the peasant girls will be better adept to deal with the old hags tricks. Having loved an unsheltered life of work from a young age themselves.

But also they way they gossiped gave it away. None of them were holding up their fans to their faces and delicately  whispering to the maids or each other. All of them were using their hands to block their mouths. Latching on to one another's arms and giggling like school girls to each other.

Some we're even using there fingers to point at her and Old Madame Zhang. Which was an actual of disrespect and rudeness. It was also someone Madame Zhang picked up on as her ears began to turn red. Before she could explode or say anything Meiying showed up.

"Mother the Crown Prince has sent word. He wishes for the girls to change and meet in the courtyard for a speech."

Madame Zhang nodded and signaled to the maids. It was something to see. Everyone of them quickly stepped back into line. Some even leveling there young Miss' with a look, before ushering them away into the palace dorm.

Before Jade could follow the young girl next to her she was stopped. Old Madame Zhang having used her fan to prevent her from walking off. Motioning for her daughter to come over.

"Meiying I want you to take care of Young Miss Li here. Clearly she has some palace potential."

With that she elegantly and swiftly turned around and made her way back into the palace. Jade had to give her props. She had just giving her her own little seal of approval while also getting her warning at the same time.

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