The Prince's

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We're going to go in order when they were born so oldest to youngest so when I give them a number it's because that is the original number of which they were referred to Prince one Prince two Prince stereo prints for ect. It stood for the order of their birth henceforth how close they would have been to the throne and then of course the crown Prince is the one who will be sitting on the throne he was the one most ready to become the next emperor in my story.

Also finally reminder this is fiction. I have used maybe a handful of things from my actual cultural background that I just found very interesting and is primarily for the aesthetic that I decided to have it be in ancient fantasy china. Also I've read a lot of books like this in general and I really like them transmigration / reincarnation books where they end up in some fantasy ancient Chinese world. So I wanted to do that but it is fiction I'm making up a lot of this stuff from the garments in terms of the colors and why they have to wear them to like the veils etc I've had a handful of comments most have been deleted after I answered them back to reiterate that this is fiction. About the outfits that I have people wearing or the things that I have them doing and it's like it's loosely based off of actual shit that would happen back in the day but it's primarily fiction kind of like when you watch the ancient Chinese dramas for any of y'all who watch c-dramas like I do that are set in like fantasy ancient China that's not real unless it's said to be historically accurate it's theatrically overestimated and not real. It's for fun and entertainment just wanted to put that out there now let's get into our long list of princes.

The first Prince

He is the eldest son at 34

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He is the eldest son at 34.
He's not married as he is a full-time scholar his father allowing him to work with the other scribes and scholars in the palace. Marriage is not necessarily something he looks forward to but also isn't something that he runs away from. It is rumored that he may have a romantic relationship with his current mentor.

The second Prince

The second Prince Liang

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Liang is 31 years old. He is married to his beloved wife Chyou.

They have one son and another child on the way. He is highly against his uncle but she's just to stay out of the politics and messiness of it all. He would rather be quiet and protect his family then find his wife and children without a husband or father.

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