As the girls bowed making there leave. As the emperor officially announced the end of the dinner.

Jade and others from her sector stood back and watched as sector 1 through 3 along with the nobleman and women left first. Each of them peeking over at them as they made there way out. Once again trying to memorize the faces of the girls. Many of the men taking noticed of the ones they saw and deemed as beautiful. Hoping to bed them at a later date. While there wife's and daughters took note of which ones they wanted out. Seeing them as the biggest competition for the Prince's affection.

Old Madame Zhang finally started to walk the.girls out once more in pairs and trios. Daiyu and Jia linked arms as they walked out showing the other girls there friendshio. Letting them know not to mess with Jia in fear of pissing off Daiyu and Old Madame Zhang by association.

As they started the long walk back to there rooms. Daiyu couldn't help but to think once more of a game plan. Just this event now proved that butterfly effect was in a full swing. Her coming in as a completely different person has already changed at least a little bit of how the story was going. She wasn't dumb enough to believe that if she dialed back or torn down a few things the storyline will go right back on track no.

She's well aware that there are certain events that she doesn't think there's anything she can do to prevent from happening such as FeiFei leaving. The mystery girl falling pregnant with the new head of the guards baby. Or even the fact that there's a high chance she'd say probably 75% chance that no matter what happens what she does whether she helps or doesn't help that ZhuZhu will still somehow end up becoming the empress.

The thing is Jade at the moment was going off the seat of her pants. Going with the flow and figuring out what to do as it came towards her but she's going to have to start actually implementing some kind of game plan. She knows for a fact that she's going to have to somehow align herself to certain degree with at least a handful of the noble women along with it being a good idea for her to have at least one or two of The Emperor's concubine as an ally if not as a friend.

The higher up their status the better. Yet she was going to have to make herself stand out from the others. She could not come off looking as if she was doing this solely for social climbing. Oh no she had to make sure that they thought this was for change, friendship things outside the norm that way it'd be easier painless and beneficial.

Looking over at Jia as she conversed with another from the group. Jade also started to think about the positions that certain friends would hold. She knew that it would come off and seem quite cold and calculated but she was also well aware of the fact that Jia was most likely thinking the same thing. Palace life was no different than the business world of her own modern day previous life. Friends are great but only friends that know what they're doing and are going to bring you down. Bad friends bad placement of people that you are friends with acquaintances with can completely ruin everything that you work hard for.

Jia and Meiying we're always going to be a ride or dies her right and left hand woman. Clearly they knew what was happening and they understood how they enter Palace worked. The real question was were there any girls from their section besides the mystery girl she still has to figure out that would even be worth carrying.

Was there anyone there that was worth the hassle of taking a long? She wasn't exactly sure but she'll figure it out after the next test by then a few other girls will be weaned out not to mention should give her enough time to figure out who the mystery girl was. So she gave herself a week 7 days to sit there and figure out if there was any of the girls who are clearly there to become an actual official they were worth taking a long on the ride, trying to figure out who's the mystery girl was, and to spot and we know anyone who is going to be an issue regardless of if they lasted after the testing or not.

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