A/N Recap

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So let's recap!

So far we have finished part 1. We have met our main protagonist Jade a 21st century business woman who has taken back her family business through her blood sweat and tears and sadly ends up dying fairly young at the age of late 20s.

She finds herself waking up in a book / novel that her best friend and secretary was absolutely obsessed with and she decided to read but genuinely end up hating it. She actually shared a name with the main protagonist to a certain degree her name being Jade and the main protagonist's name translating to Black jade.

She then meets one of the mystical dragons that are taught about and will be talked about throughout this story. I will sit here and announce at the dragon that she met was mother nature or the equivalent of mother nature.

A dragon spirit that deals with keeping the balance of nature of course sometimes keeping the balance does mean keeping the balance of life and death to a certain degree and clearly them along with the others which we will eventually meet the different spirits / guardians decided that Jade deserved a second chance and had her reborn well more like ikisd I don't know how to spell that but that anime trope into the novel.

So far she has changed quite a bit up garnishing the favor of two of the characters Old Madame Zhang & Meiying. Along with making a friend in Jia.

Reconnecting with one of the childhood friends that she wasn't supposed to meet until much later on in the novel. Along with having quite a few new things brought to her attention that one would never find out just by reading the novel itself. Putting into motion a game plan or several for herself to actually survive and make it as a female officiant and possibly even something more.

    Now part 2 we'll be slightly more fast-paced in terms of what's being talked about and time skips happening within each chapter.

But that's just because there's going to be more time in between the exams/test that they have to take meaning that there will be more planning and stuff happening that most likely wasn't talked about or written about in the original novel that Jade read so she would have to sit there and kind of pin together exactly where in the book it falls and what big problem it most likely had correlations to.

Plus this is when her planning when it comes to the Huang family, Second Prince and other allies she might meet along the way. Starts to come into play a bit more she wants to be safe not sorry so during the next 9:00 to 10:00 chapters that will be part 2 which will just consist of the three months until the next exam.

Plus we'll probably flush out her friendship a little bit more with Jia and Meiying.

Outside of that I do want to know for the those of you who are reading it which thank you very much a lot of you during this time that I've taken a break from the story. Which technically I am still on it's just more of this isn't going to be the story that I'm primarily focusing on and I do want to finish writing part 2 before I start publishing the parts for part two.

But a lot of you guys have been adding it to your reading list and voting on it and I say thank you for that I know it's a lot harder for people to get into stories that aren't fanfictions most of the time not all the time but most of the time especially when it's so grandiose and a little convoluted like this one is.

But thank you for giving it a shot but also I want to know what you guys think should happen with ZhuZhu.

ZhuZhu we'll play a minor role in part two but she's not really too much of an issue at the moment. The thing is I have one of two ways I feel like her character can go. Either something happens that makes her wake up or snap out of her fantasy daydream about marrying the prince.

Which I will like to State the crown Prince that she technically fell in love with would be Renjun as we kind of established in the last part of part one that he was the crown Prince before that was taken away from him and his brother was put in his place. But also he was already in love with someone else who was taken away from him and was then went from the crown Prince who was also the fourth to be born again there's 12 of these motherfuckers to the second Prince in terms of like his importance instead of his birthplace which is what they were using before so even though he was the fourth child to be born he was also the most suitable to take over as emperor.

ZhuZhu it's not the smartest tool in the shed or the brightest crown in the box so I genuinely don't think that she even recognize that the current crown Prince is not the one that she had fallen in love with at first sight as a child. Even though Jade doesn't know this her being able to recognize the fact that the two of them look very different from one another not to mention Renjun just kind of looks like a grown up version of that child that she met when she was 5/6 years old which she is genuinely surprised at her childhood friend who was like 7/8 at the time cannot recognize the fact that this is not the same man but again she has like these Grand ideas of being the empress so I genuinely think that even if her brain is telling her that's not the same Prince you fell in love with she wouldn't care cuz I think her whole thing was just becoming empress more so than it was her marrying this kid that she claimed to fall in love with and gone proposed to by.

On the other hand ZhuZhu could just kind of low-key be evil. When I say that I don't mean like she's a mastermind of things but she's not as stupid as she comes off as she's aware of the fact that she's being used but she doesn't care as long as she ends up still being with the prince. She knows that the things are being thrown out of proportion and things are being made up about her childhood friend but she doesn't care her older sister and brother-in-law aren't there to sit there and scold her, she knows that no matter what she does her father will always support her even if that means ruining the life of his oldest and closest friends daughter. Not to mention in her mind the ends justify the means if she becomes empress then who cares if she throws away a friendship with a poor peasant girl she'd be ruling the country.

And my head think the whole like Marie Antoinette let them eat cake kind of thing she's like that out of touch with shit. People would be like yeah you know being the empress you'd have to make rules and do all this other stuff it's not just fancy dresses dinner parties interacting with people and being with the emperor and having his kids. Yet in her mind it's like no I can have other people do those things for me I just have to look the part and be in love.

Or it can go a completely different way if you guys have any ideas. Personally I feel like regardless of where it goes she's not going to have any kind of friendship or relationship with Jade just because she is a modern day woman who worked in business and knows how people can be and I feel like to her. This woman is non-redeemable if she was willing to do this ones to her close friend even if it was unintentional she would do it again if the opportunity arises for her to throw her or anyone else under the bus in order to be with someone of a higher social standing.

It's more of will she be somewhat redeemable in the eyes of you guys the readers where she can still you don't live out A Life That's decently nice and still better than her original timeline or will she still try to go down that route which will just lead to an even worse outcome because now she's going against Jade and the army of people she's most likely going to recruit.

Also I don't normally do in these stories character pages but I think I might do one for the prince's just so you guys can kind of see what all 12 of them look like and it can be a reference page for you guys to go back to whenever they pop up later on in the story like I said I feel like we're only going to be focusing on the crown Prince and the second prince in part two but all 14 of them will be making an appearance at some point.

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