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Hiya 👋🏽

So first off I would like to thank you for deciding to pick up and read any of my other stories. I know that quite a lot of you guys are waiting for the book the second book it's taking longer than I expected to really get out a idea for what I want to do henceforth is taking a while to actually write it I did do the first five chapters though don't worry too much.

That being said though my ADHD brain was like if I focus on this too much I'm going to burn the fuck out so I decided to write / start writing three other stories that I've had just sitting in my noggin and wanting to get out this is one of them.

This is going to be fairly long in terms of the chapters and I'm not going to be updating this super all the time matter of fact I decided to go with twice a month so every two weeks a chapter will be published.

The exception being now because the next chapter after I publish this and the first chapter is not going to be until December the second week of December so that I can actually stay on somewhat of a schedule the first part of the story is complete the second part I have not finished writing I've started Friday so when we get to the second part it might slow down a bit because I'm also currently running to other stories on top of the main sequel.

Anyway I do hope you guys end up enjoying this story and all the other ones that I'm going to be coming out with. Also like always I apologize for any errors in the writing it's a combination of things. One English is like the seventh language that I speak, two I still haven't bought a new laptop because those bitches are expensive and the one that I had I've only had for a year and a half before she decided to fucking break so sadly I'm writing all of these on my cell phone which isn't always the easiest to pick up on grammar issues.

three I do not go back and edit these normally because it would drive me insane for multiple reasons one I would start Nick picking what I already wrote and then want to redo or change everything up even though I do not need to do that cuz these are just for fun. To my ADHD and dyslexia will start literally kicking me in the ass and I would start thinking that I spelled things wrong that I didn't even spell wrong in the first place so I try not to go back and look at my work I read them after I finish a chapter if I pick up on something that is wrong or needs to change then I do it and then I polish them or I leave them there and start on the next chapter.

So those are things that prevent you from enjoying a story or book just don't read my stories cuz they're all going to be like that. I'm sorry.

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