Family Planning

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Finally back at home with her mates, Iris had to call a family meeting. Luckily, it wasn't time for everyone to return to work properly until tomorrow.

"I received a new task from the Beast Deity."

Ember narrowed his eyes, but was hesitant to speak. He still felt conflicted from the last time Iris had told him off. Ember wasn't sure he had ever seen Iris argue with the other males in their family the way she did with him, much less lose her temper on them. Adding onto it the fact that Iris had compared him to that bastard, Ash, Ember couldn't help but wonder if he was really in the wrong.

Ember would never be able to convince himself to stop worrying over Iris's safety, but maybe he had fucked up by trying to pick a fight with that damn prince. It was just that, every time he thought of how his wings had been damaged and his ribs broken as he was so easily overpowered, Ember felt like his blood was boiling.  Ember was stronger now and could more easily go toe to toe with Ash, but it was hard to accept his loss.

Still, what was even worse was that Prince Ares fellow. While wasn't sure if he'd ever be able to view Ash as anything better than his bitter rival, the other prince gave him an off-putting feeling. Ember wasn't sure why he felt this way as he hadn't actually had any problems with Prince Ares, but he was never one to second guess his gut feeling. However, now Ember felt like he might have to question everything about what he knew. 

After all, he couldn't afford to keep upsetting Iris. She certainly treated Ember well, no matter how often he bickered with her or how much he acted out. However, there was no guarantee that things would always be that way if he kept pushing his luck. Ember didn't know how to manage his anger issues, but, for now, he would swallow his complaints and let the others speak up out of concern.

Iris was surprised as all of her mates gave her their undivided attention and there were no comments to be heard from Ember. Birk looked the most confused, which quickly reminded Iris that he had never been around for Iris to receive a quest from the Beast Deity. Even Hazel looked nervous as he had only heard stories from the others about such things and not been around for Iris to receive such tasks.

"This time, the quest is relatively difficult, but we have already taken the first step. I need to establish two official trade routes with proper roads and merchants. Since we already have an agreement settled with Red Wood City, we already have one of the more difficult steps accomplished."

Basil's eyes lit up in interest as offered up his own ideas.

"A few of the nearby tribes have had to join us and there aren't any other cities nearby. It would be difficult to build a road in any sort of time that would likely be considered reasonable. However, there is a mermaid tribe nearby that could work well. It is about the same distance away as Red Wood City, if not closer. It is pretty common for mermaid tribes to make trade agreements with Golden Tradesmen, so they may be willing to negotiate with us.

How long do you have to complete everything?"

Iris nodded as she answered

"I've been given half a year to complete it. Since it will be the cold season after that, it isn't like we would have any way to continue construction anyhow. Even if we were given a year, the rainy season isn't good for such building tasks either. Really, this timing is a blessing since we have good weather for building."

Caspian asked what was likely on everyone's minds

"What is the penalty this time? Is the reward, at least, worth the trouble?"

Iris shrugged, looking indifferent as she replied

"The penalty isn't anything too problematic. No one's life will be put at risk, at least. If we fail, I have to offer twice as many offerings in exchange for any of the blessings I normally receive for the rest of our lives. It would make it more expensive to plant crops in the future, but it isn't anything we couldn't handle.

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