Grocery Store Plans Part One

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The next day, Iris had to leave their home as soon as breakfast was over. This time, Iris was accompanied by both Hazel and Birk. As Iris needed to finalize plans for Fawn's shop and Holly's Tea Room, Hazel had made time to help. While Iris could likely draw up the blueprints and include notes without any help, Hazel being there would make the whole process easier. He was the one whom the new building team leaders reported to, after all.

Both of the new workshops, the inner city building team, the outer city building team, and the teams who would be working on the new roads would all have to report to Hazel. However, this was significantly easier than it used to be now that team leaders had been chosen and trained for the job. Well, the road-building teams wouldn't have their own team leader. However, their job didn't require complicated work to be completed as it would, mostly, just be repetitive work.

The new roads and bridges would require scouting to be completed first. Once an official route was decided upon, they would begin building the road from their city and slowly expand out. The road teams would require four smaller groups to work on them. Two groups would be required to live on the road and work on it day after day while the other two groups would be made up of flying beastmen who could move supplies back and forth. This would, hopefully, allow everything to progress smoothly.

"Where are we going first? It's possible your friends are still home since it is early enough in the day. However, they both have a tendency to follow their males out to the business district."

Iris looked to Hazel as she replied

"We should visit Fawn first. Her shop plans will, likely, be more complicated and she is more likely to have free time today. The orchard has to be harvested this week, but they still have to wait for everything to be harvested and carried over by the orchard workers. If we don't catch her now, we may have a difficult time later on."

Hazel simply nodded in understanding. He didn't tend to keep track of things like the farmland rotation and harvest cycles. That was more Caspian's territory than his, but he was impressed that his little mate could keep track of everything so well. Of course, this was largely due to Iris constantly taking notes and making plans for the future. She had just had to rework the job plans to cover the hot season, for Caspian, just last night. So the information was still fresh in her mind.

When Iris arrived at her friend's home, several of her males appeared to be leaving. Iris grimaced as she asked

"I didn't miss Fawn, did I? I was hoping to finalize the plans for her shop today."

One of the males shook his head before popping his head back into their home as he called out

"Mate! The city leader is here looking for you!"

Another male assured Iris

"She should be out shortly, she was still eating breakfast. We need to get going now, though. Fawn has us cleaning and reorganizing the food processing buildings today in preparation for later this week. The others had to clean the storage buildings the last few days of the festival, so they get the day off today."

Iris nodded before moving out of the way of the group so they could more easily be on their way. Being able to keep track of so many males without the ability to read and write was impressive to Iris. However, she already was well aware that much of what attracted males to Fawn was her ability to keep everything organized and running properly. It made their family's dynamics work well and it was less likely that anyone would end up going hungry. Iris could only imagine just how impressive Fawn would be after the coming cold season when she'd finally get the chance to learn how to read, write, and do basic math.

"Oh! It's just you, Iris! My males never seem to feel the need to specify which one of the city leaders it is they are talking about. I was worried that it might have been Basil here to tell me one of my other males was injured or Caspian here to inform me one of my males had caused a problem. I think they still feel awkward calling you by name since they don't want me to think they are being too familiar with another female."

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