Basil's Day Part Two

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"Greetings Queen Iris, what brings you here today?"

Alder immediately greeted Iris as she entered the room. Iris nodded in acknowledgment as she replied

"Thank you, witch doctor Alder. I am just here to see how well things are coming along and to, perhaps help Basi develop some new products for the pharmacy to stock."

"Basil doesn't inform you of everything? I would have expected your mates to report everything you needed to know so that you could spend more time relaxing at home."

Iris sighed, reminding herself that Alder likely meant well. It was normal for females to spend all their time relaxing at home and not be expected to do anything of importance. Iris couldn't fault him for finding her behavior strange. It wasn't like things had been normal around here since long before he arrived. Alder simply had no way of knowing how things normally functioned when Iris wasn't busy almost dying or handling a sudden influx of refugees joining their city.

"I prefer to look things over myself. There is no point in me calling myself a leader if it is only in name and I don't bother taking care of things myself."

Alder simply shrugged, disengaging from the conversation. He didn't exactly want to argue over something that wouldn't harm him in any way. Besides, there was something he was far more interested in

"Do you have training in medicine? I'm not sure how safe it is for someone without proper training to experiment with herbs, you could make someone sick."

Basil's expression grew fierce as he stepped forward to defend his mate. Iris's heart raced as she debated whether she should stop him. However, before she could decide, Basil was quick to speak up

"Don't talk to her like that. We don't hold such prejudices in this city. Iris is not only familiar with most types of herbs, but she has already helped to develop many different practices and products that we regularly use here every day. She also had light affinity magic and is capable of healing, which is something I doubt even one witch doctor on this entire continent can claim."

Iris pursed her lips as she placed her hand on Basil's shoulder, stopping him from continuing. Iris felt a headache coming on as she apologized

"I apologize for his outburst. You know how males can be about defending their females, so I can't really fault him. However, he could have explained it more politely. You are one of our citizens just as much as anyone else and you deserve to voice your complaints as much as anyone else.

It is true that I have been blessed with the light elemental magic and can heal others with it. I also learned a lot of unique things regarding medicine while growing up. I don't necessarily know as much as Basil does in regards to handling herbs, but I can point him in the right direction so that he can perform his own experiments. Eventually, we end up with a finalized product that we are certain is safe for others to use and we market it as a sellable product.

If you would like, you can join us? The plan is to develop some new hygiene items to help maintain one's teeth health among other things."

Alder was far too old to be bothered with losing his temper and did not feel like engaging Basil in a fight whether verbally or physically. Instead, he decided to politely take Iris up on her offer.

"Alright, I shall accept your kind offer. Perhaps I can learn something new as well and apply it to my own experiments so that I might also be useful."

Basil straightened himself out before tossing one last weary look towards Alder. He didn't have a tendency to lose his temper, but he wasn't willing to listen to others disparage his mate any more than any other mated male would. 

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