Tragedy Strikes Part Two

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As Iris looked out across the crowd, she noticed that many females looked tired and several males looked disgruntled with being summoned on such short notice. Iris reassured herself that this was necessary and no one was actually mad at her for behaving as the leader she was supposed to be.

Caspian looked at Iris, still unsure what this was all about as he called out

"Alright, everyone! I apologize for forcing you all to gather like this last minute. However, we have something important to announce and we need everyone to be present for it. I'll keep this short and turn things over to your queen, Iris, now."

Iris took a breath as she steeled her nerves, feeling comforted when Basil wrapped his tail around her and Caspian held her hand in hers.

"As I'm sure you all know, I often lead prayers on all of our behalfs. This sort of thing would usually be done by a priest whose job is specifically to commune with the Beast Deity. However, as you all should also know by now, the Beast Deity does recognize me and treats me as a priestess.

This recognition even extends so far as to receive messages from the Beast Deity herself where she passes on her will. This time is no exception and it is my duty to speak up now in order to save you all.

The refugees we have here today are not just from the wild beastmen who have been terrorizing the area recently. Rather, some of them are the survivors of a natural disaster. A volcano recently erupted and has claimed many lives while others have fled the area to seek refugee in tribes and cities like ours. Before you all panic, the volcano should be far enough out to not affect us, you should all be safe. From what we have heard, the tribes who were affected lived more than a month's travel from here and lava from volcanoes do not tend to travel this far out.

That brings me to the part that is important. The lilies that grant youth and semi-immortality are formed when beastmen lose their lives to a volcano. The residual magic condenses and the lilies grow either on the volcano itself or in the magma as the lava cools. From what I hear, some foolish males have already left in pursuit of these plants, including one of my own mates.

This is a mistake and one that could not only cost the males who risk their lives to try and obtain these flowers, but could also put our city's future at risk. The Beast Deity often likes to preach that everything has a cost and everything in nature must be balanced. This includes these lilies which can be considered a sort of poison. While they may bring back one's youth and extend your lives, this power comes at a price.

Half-orc females who ingest the lilies become completely sterile and can never have children again. Complete females have their ability to become pregnant and the rate of miscarriages becomes similar to that of half-orc females. If a male were to ingest it, he would similarly become sterile. As I know many of you cherish your young ones and wish to start families of your own, I must caution you against consuming such poisonous flowers.

I, personally, will insist that my foolish male burn the lilies her brings home. The Beast Deity does not like them and I would rather live a life of a normal length and stay in her good graces than risk any harm coming to me than you all. It is my duty as her priestess and your leader to ensure I am a good example, after all.

I will not punish those who choose not to heed my advice, but I pity those who choose to do so and live long enough to regret their decision. You may all be dismissed, save the refugees and guards. We will need to discuss what to do with our guests before dismissing our hard-working guards, unfortunately."

Many of the citizens of Blue Spring City murmured amongst themselves as they dispersed. Iris had never lied to them before, so far as they knew, and much of what they had seen led them to find her words to be believable. However, it was a lot to swallow that something that was considered a precious and rare treasure among most beastmen was actually a poisonous flower that could affect one's relationship with their deity in such a negative way.

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