Basil's Day Part One

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Ares had stayed a few days longer and Iris had tried to play the perfect hostess during his stay. While Iris had felt a bit off-put when he first arrived, she felt like she was starting to warm up to him by the time he left. Iris found she even missed him a little when he finally left. At least, when Ares was around Iris felt less bored. Now that he had left, Iris was once more back to staring boredly at her cubs while wishing she had television or books to read like she had in her old world.

"Come on, little mate, come with me. I have to get back to work, but you can come with me. It'll give me something nice to look at while I work."

Iris took Basil up on his offer happily and easily accepted his hand, feeling right at home as he wrapped his tail around her waist and escorted her to the inner city.

"Won't it make it more difficult for you with me there, though? I know you've been worried about setting a good example lately."

Basil shrugged as he easily replied

A good reputation isn't worth as much as you are. Besides, I doubt anyone will complain about you being there. It would be good for them to see you checking in on things so they know not to act up or get lazy. The new apprentice will likely want to show off to you since you're not only our city's beauty but also our queen. Witch doctor Alder has been complaining less about things now that he can just take his time and doesn't feel like he is doing my job anymore. I doubt he will do more than tease us a little, at most."

Iris nodded, taking Basil at his word. It wasn't like Basil had a habit of causing unnecessary trouble for himself anyhow. Iris had been meaning to check in on the pharmacy and clinic for a while now too, so this was a good opportunity for her.

As they walked into the mountain entrance, Basil noted

"A few people have started to ask about renting out the shops here of late. I've had to send them to Caspian since that isn't really supposed to be my job. We are already busy enough at the clinic as it is, so we really don't need the distraction. Of course, that isn't something for you to worry about, but I did think it worth mentioning that you might want to consider choosing a house and shop for use soon so that we can have them available during the cold season.  I know you don't enjoy being stuck inside with just us to socialize with for the whole cold season."

Iris hummed as she thought over her words. She knew that Basil was likely right about that, but she wasn't sure that it would make much difference at this point. Still, she replied

"I think it would be better for us to claim one of the uppermost floors of the large-family homes for ourselves. I'd like to have a larger home since we have the cubs and we don't know when I will get pregnant again. It has been half a year since I gave birth, so I could fall pregnant at any time now. 

I doubt I will want to accept more than one more mate for the rest of our lives, if I'm being honest. That would put me at seven mates, which would already make it so that you all can only have one night a week of sharing the same bed as me. As much... fun... as it was having a threesome with you was, I don't think I want to share a bed, in any sense, with two mates at a time as a regular thing. I don't want to feel like you all have to compete for my attention either and any more than seven of you would definitely be pushing the limits far more than I am comfortable with.

Still, we will likely end up having a few more litters of cubs or some hatchlings in the future. Even if the children will still have to share a room, it would be good if they could have separate sleeping arrangements from the adults. Maybe even decorate their bedrooms to be more age-appropriate with a few decorative items that they can choose for themselves. It isn't like we would even have to pay more for the privilege to have a large home either, so there isn't any reason to upgrade."

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