The Park Part Three

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"Alright, well, why don't you explain the rest of your plan?"

Iris nodded at Caspian's request before continuing to explain

"Alright, well, a swing set would require a solid foundation. In the history of my world, a wooden board or tire would be tied to a rope, which would be tied to a sturdy tree branch to swing on. More modern designs used metal and looked a bit like this drawing here. The A-shape of the frame helped to keep the swingset balanced while the metal made the frame more sturdy. However, the swing itself was a similar concept to those in the past of my world.

I think, if we made a similar frame from stone and buried the poles deep enough into the ground, the swings should still be able to withstand the weight of cubs or a female, so long as they don't use it too roughly. The ropes we have here are made from vines and aren't that strong. So, I'd have to suggest using thin strips of animal hide twisted into a rope instead. 

Fern might be able to figure that step out, which is why I wanted him here today, but he was, understandably, busy helping his sister. Apparently, his sister is starting to adjust to the city, but she wants a tour of the inner city and outer city so she can make a more informed decision on where to live once she saves up enough crystals. Regardless, that's neither here nor there.

I think the seat portion should be made from wood. Even though it might end up rotting, it would be lighter weight and less likely to cause additional strain on the swing set. I'd like to have two different styles of swing with one having a more traditional design with just a flat rectangular seat with holes on either side for the rope to be attached to. Then, for the other, a more bowl-like design so that a cub could sit in it. Perhaps making it from animal skin so that it has more give and can be safer for the cubs would be a good idea.

After that, would have to be slides, which would need to be made from stone and have poles sunken into the ground in both the front and back for support. It is okay for it to have a good bit of weight to it as that won't cause any real issues. Slides can have a variety of different ways they are built. This drawing shows a stand-alone slide that is as basic as it comes. It has a ladder up that has to be climbed and then a short flat portion at the top before going at a diagonal downwards that has a more gradual shift to flat again at the bottom.

Personally, I'd prefer more of a proper playground set, but I think it would be too difficult to make that with the materials we have. We can't attach stone or wood pieces to one another very well and making it as a set would be too complicated. Still, though, there are ways we can, sort of, get around that.

I think making a slide portion with a short set of steps leading up to a short slide would be good for the leftmost side. Then, we can have a middle section that is connected to another set of stairs. The stairs would have their own set of poles set into the ground and not be connected to the two sides next to it, but would have flat platforms that are so close to the other sections that it touches. That allows it to be stabilized, but not have to be actually connected. 

The next section would have a "rock wall" that connects the ground and the higher-standing platform. A rock wall is similar to a wall with mostly flat sections, but it has parts that stick out that can be used to place one's foot or grab hold of with one's hand. It is unlikely the young cubs could use this way up, but it should be fun for the females. Another taller slide that curves can go off of one of the other sides while another platform is added to the fourth side. The connected platform wouldn't have stairs, but would be flat with its own set of stabilizing poles.

For the final section, we should have a set of ropes with boards to climb up. The ropes would be strung up vertically with stone boards the ropes run through to make climbing easier. A third side would have a "jungle gym" that can be climbed on. Basically, poles would be set on both sides and then bars would be set at the top, kind of like a horizontal ladder. There would be a vertical ladder on the side away from the playground set but not the side closest. This way, the "jungle gym" can be climbed on to leave or get onto the playground set. The last side would have bumpy slide down. Basically, instead of having a straight diagonal down, it is more rounded with hills and valleys in the middle.

That's it for the playground, but I also have a few smaller ideas. Still, what do you think so far? D you think it is doable?"

Hazel seemed unsure as he answered

"Well, I would have to make sure we get some larger pieces of stone and it would have to be very carefully carved. I might also have to make some portions from wood, but I still worry about that causing problems in the future due to how much rain we get in the rainy season.

I'm also not sure how much weight such a playground would be able to support and worry too many people may try to use it at once. Even making it from stone and doing everything I can to stabilize it, I haven't tested anything like this before. So, it is just difficult to say whether it will work or not. I do think your idea of separating the pieces and adding separate supports might have merit, though.

I hope your other ideas are more separate and less of a safety hazard, though."

Iris nodded as she replied

"I think they'll be easier to make too, but some of the materials might be difficult to get.

I'd like to make a wooden ball pit using those balls you made the other day. We can make a short, rectangular shape from the stone bricks and clay for a basic container. Then, we just fill it with balls just short of the height of the pit's walls. A nice slide down into the pit and some steps to enter and exit from with one side of the wall being shorter, should work nicely. Maybe build the pit similarly to a shallow basement so you'd end up at ground level when you walk up the stairs.

I think it would be fun and a great alternative to swimming. I know most of our citizens have never learned to swim and, well, you can't drown in the ball pits. Although, we might need to build a roof and support pillars to cover the ball pit. It would allow the ball pit to be semi-indoor, like the hot spring baths, but keep out the rain.

Then, and this is the one I'm most worried about, I'd like to build a similar thing, but with sand. A sandbox, if you would. It would have a very short wall, about the height of a flower bed with only a small amount of area dug out of the ground. Then, it would be filled with sand, which we would have to obtain and bring here. If we make small buckets and shovels, females could play in the sand and build things like sand castles.

I don't think young cubs would be able to do much more than roll around in the sand or dig holes, but it would be good for the females. It is too difficult to travel in this world and it is good to offer unique experiences where we can.

The last thing I want to suggest actually isn't playground equipment. I'd like to suggest making some outdoor cooking areas. Basically, just make an area where we make a square with stone bricks and then put some stone ovens. Caspian helped me make the ones we used in the Artic Wolf Tribe, so he could, probably, help you figure out how to make those.  We had grills in our public parks in my world and people, usually, made things like hot dogs or hamburgers on them. So, I imagine something similar could be done with the stone ovens or, worst case scenario, it gives us more room for cooking during festivals and special events."

Caspian winced as he replied

"The sand will definitely be a pain to get, but it is doable. We already have to have some owl beastmen fly out towards the ocean in order to periodically deliver supplies. I can likely pay a few of them to fly the extra distance and bring back sand. So long as the sandbox isn't too big, it should be doable with just one or two trips, so we won't have to worry about slowing things down with the road too much."

Hazel nodded as he added on

"Building the rest of your requests shouldn't be too difficult either. I doubt we will need the builders to help with it for very long either. It mostly seems to be a project for the stone masonry and carpentry workshops to handle. Although, I will likely have to handle much of it myself since it requires such complicated work. I just wish I had some way to preserve the wood so I wouldn't have to worry about it as much."

Iris was hesitant, but still offered

"Maybe Basil could help with that? He is more familiar with the plants in my books than I am and he is pretty good at experimenting. I know he hates me volunteering him for things, but, hopefully, he will be willing to help with this."

Iris talked with them for a while longer about a few more details. However, that took care of most of the planning phase, which only left the actual completion of the task. Iris knew it was unlikely that the park would be able to be completed quickly, but she hoped it wouldn't take too long. After all, the best time for the park to be enjoyed would be during the hot season and harvest season. It would be rather unfortunate if it couldn't be used for a whole half a year after being built.

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