Travel Plans

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"I think I should go in person to negotiate with the tribal leader of the mermaid tribe. However, I don't think it would be a good idea to have all of us leave."

Iris was worried about how to manage the travel between their city and the mermaid tribe. Even with it being less than a week's worth of travel one way, it was too long to leave their city.

Basil already had everything figured out, though, as he easily offered up a plan.

"Well, we can shorten the travel time by having Ember and Birk fly us there. They can only comfortably carry one person each, though. So only one more of us can go with since you will be going. I'd like to volunteer myself.

It isn't ideal to continue to be away from the clinic since I should really be showing my face if I want to be the one in charge. However, it is also pretty expected for the lead witch doctor to do things like this since I'm supposed to act as the city leader when Caspian can't. While Caspian could go with you, it wouldn't be as convenient as having me there. I have better negotiation skills and am better at reading and writing. Plus, Witch Doctor Alder seems to be doing a good enough job of managing the clinic in my absence.

I would prefer if we could wait a few days to leave, though. It would give me a chance to check out the new clinic and pharmacy as well as to ensure everything is, in fact, running smoothly. I've only had the words of Quentin to rely on in that regard since I've been at home resting this week and was unconscious before that."

Iris nodded in acknowledgment as she noted that that would leave Caspian, Fern, and Hazel in Blue Springs City to care for the cubs and keep everything running smoothly. If everything went well, Iris could be back home after only two weeks. That was a long time to be gone when there were plans that needed to be set in motion right away. However, it still wasn't as bad as being gone an entire month would be, which is what would happen if they had to travel on foot.

Caspian was fine with this arrangement as he said

"Alright, so you should plan to leave at the end of this week then. Little one, I'll need you to make sure to write me some notes on what all needs to be done while you are gone. It is likely that the replacement workers from Red Wood City will arrive while you are gone, but we will have to start work on the new roads and inner city projects before then.

I'd normally suggest you ask Pearl to come with you for the negotiations. It will be rather difficult to discuss anything with the mermaid tribe if they aren't aware you are coming since they do live underwater. Perhaps your friend can still help you figure out something regarding that?"

Iris shrugged, unsure of what to say about that matter. It wouldn't hurt to discuss the issue with her friend, but there wasn't much that could be done. It wouldn't be fair to make Pearl travel all that way just for something like this and it couldn't be helped that they didn't want to be gone long enough for Pearl to travel alongside them.

After a hearty lunch of a cream-based boar and corn soup with homemade freshly baked bread, Iris set off for Pearl's home. As the others had their own tasks to sort out in preparation for their travels, Birk was the only one available to accompany Iris. As Pearl wasn't as familiar with Birk, she looked rather confused when she left her home to greet Iris.

"Strange to see you walking around with your new male. Usually you are accompanied by Caspian or Basil."

Pearl wasn't familiar with all of Iris's mates' names, but almost everyone in the city knew who Caspian and Basil were. It wasn't just because Iris had a habit of walking around with them and, on occasion, Ember, but that they were the figureheads for the city. Iris simply shrugged her shoulders in response before moving forward to hug Peal in greeting.

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