About the story

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This chapter is about some of the changes I'll be making to the story. I'm not going to write everything I'm going to change because I'm not sure about some things, but I want to give you a little background.

Before Nerissa arrived at the camp, she had friends who were demigods or legacy. 10 demigods and 5 legacy.

Spencer, Aria, and Alice Black. They're Apollo's children. Spencer and Aria are twins. Spencer and Aria are the same age as Nerissa. Alice is two years younger than them.

Kol Morgan is a son of Hermes. He is a year older than Nerissa.

Stephan Moore is a son of Dionysus. He is two years older than Rissa.

Rebeka Noir is a daughter of Athena. She is a year younger than Nerissa.

Peter and Antonio Stark. They're the children of Ares. They're twins and three years older than Rissa.

Carolina and Luna Forbes are the children of Aphrodite. Carolina is the same age as Nerissa and Luna is three years younger than them. Carolina and Luna are cousins and sisters at the same time. Their fathers were brothers, but they were not close and they did not look alike. Aphrodite didn't know they were brothers. When Luna's father died, her uncle adopted her. He saw her as his own daughter. Also, Carolina and Luna saw each other more as sisters than cousins.

Dean, Lucy and Rosalia Potter are legacy of Hecate. Dean is six years older then Rissa, Lucy is 3 years older then her and Rosalia is two years younger then Nerissa.

Alexander and Hadrian are Apollo's legacy. Alexander is four years older then Rissa and Hadrian is one year younger then her.

The relationships that are in the story: Nerissa+ Apollo+ Ares+ Hades+ Hermes, Charles Beckendorf (he lets Rissa call him Beck)+ Silena Beauregard, Clarisse+ Chris, Katie+ Travis, Nico+ Will+ Stephan, Spencer+ Rosalia, Aria+ Dean+ Triton (a friend dared me to put Triton in a relationship with a friend of Nerissa's), Rebeka+ Kol+ Alice, Carolina+ Peter & Antonio+ Alexander, Luna+ Lucy+ Hadrian.

I don't like Annabeth much, so she and Rissa aren't exactly friends. Rissa didn't like it when Annabeth tried to insult or lead her or her friends on. Nerissa won't take any insults to her friends and family.

Rissa will be friendly with Annabeth, at times, but they won't be friends.

Nerissa, Clarisse, Chris, Beck, Silena, Grover, Will, Conner, Travis and Thalia are friends. She thinks of Nico as her little brother. Sally will adopt Nico. Nico thinks of Nerissa as his older sister, but is afraid to say it out loud in case it seems like he's replacing Bianca. They will talk about it.

Rissa will always try to protect her friends and family. She considers her pre-camp friends family along with Sally, Paul and Nico.

In her group of friends, she is the "mom", Dean is the "dad", Stephan is the "therapist", Kol is the "joker", and Peter and Antonio are the "warriors". Carolina and Luna are the "matchmakers", Spencer, Aria, Alice, Hadrian and Alexander are the "doctors", Rebeka is the "library", and Lucy and Rosalia are the "gossips".

The group will adopt Nico, Will, Clarisse, Chris, Silena, Beck, Leo, Tyson and Grover into their family. The Potters will adopt Leo because he deserves a family.

They consider Thalia, Jason and Piper to be cousins in their family.

Rissa will try to hide how smart she can be, but her family won't let her.

The gang will show up in the books and I'll get them to read the books.

The gang doesn't like how Annabeth is trying to boss them around and they aren't shy about saying it to her face. Even Rebeka feels ashamed to be her sister.

Nerissa will give Chris, when he was insane, a crystal that has magic and some of Stephan's abilities. That crystal will help Chris stay sane as long as he wears it. From that point on, Chris and Clarisse are adopted into the gang. Nerissa will also convince Stephan to come and heal Chris completely.

Spencer and Rosalia accidentally walk into the Labyrinth and he goes crazy. Stephan heals him, but everyone has seen it. They all promise to help whoever was there. Dean, Lucy and Rosalia enchanted crystals and Stephan put some of his ability into them. Everyone in the group has at least five crystals.

Amaya Potter also presented everyone with an enchanted bracelet. Each bracelet has a shield charm, a bow and arrow charm, a crossed dagger charm, a whip charm, a staff charm, a scythe charm and a sword charm. They also always wear a necklace with one of the magic crystals. This protects them and they can use them to speak telepathically and know where they are if they are not together.

Nerissa is an empathetic person. She can feel the emotions of those around her. Her mother can also, but not as much as her daughter, feel the emotions of those around her. Because of this, she knows when someone is trying to lie to her and knows how to act to her advantage.

Nerissa will try to save everyone, but she's human. Yes, she's strong and smart, but she can't save everyone in a war.

The gang, with the exception of Nerissa, don't really come to camp. They come when Nerissa calls them and visit camp as often as they can, but they don't really stay there. They try, along with their family, to find the demigods and help them when they're not at school. They know there's going to be a war and they try to gather allies to help Nerissa because they know Nerissa will be the leader.

This is all for a moment. Maybe I'll write what else I'll change in another chapter.

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