I accidentally vaporize my pre-algebra teacher

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N/A: I decide to make Zeus good. But it will take some time. Annabeth, Athena and Hera will be bashing. I hope you enjoy the story. Thank you for reading this story.

I decided to add Dionysus as Nerissa's fifth soulmate. So I rewrote a bit of the chapters I had already posted. 

Before the book began to be read, some lights appeared again. When they went out, Rissa saw that all the members of Gladiolus were there. They looked around and were surprised to see the gods, but then they saw Rissa. She smiled at them and ran towards them. She hugged them because she hadn't seen them in weeks. But, of course, Zeus couldn't let them have a moment.

"Who are you?"

"Just some demigods and legacies, Zeus, of course." Dean said with a grin."The fates have already explained what we're doing here. They just forgot to bring us together with the others."

Hestia, true queen that she is, stepped in before Zeus could say anything else.

"Why don't you introduce yourselves?"

"I'll go first," said a boy with blond hair and blue eyes. "I'm Spencer Black and I'm Apollo's son."

"I'm Aria Black, Spencer's twin and Apollo's daughter."

"And I'm their little sister, Alice Black. And I'm Apollo's daughter." Alice has brown hair with blonde streaks and the same blue eyes as her siblings.

Apollo goes and hugs his children.

"I am Kol Morgan and I am the son of Hermes." A boy with blue eyes and light brown hair then said. Hermes hugged him.

Next, a dark-haired boy with dark eyes and a few purple highlights spoke, "I am Stephan Moore, son of Dionysus."

Pollux and Castor went over and hugged their half-brother. They missed him. Dionysus watched this scene and smiled. Dakota also looked at his half-brother with interest. Stephan smiled at them both.

"I am Rebeka Noir and I am Athena's daughter." She looked a lot like Annabeth, but she had glasses.

A girl with long red hair and green eyes and a girl with dirty blonde hair and green eyes came forward. "I'm Carolina Forbes, and this is Luna Forbes. We're both daughters of Aphrodite," said the redhead.

"And we're cousins and sisters at the same time. My mother first slept with Carolina's father and then, not knowing they were brothers, she slept with my father a few years later."

Afterwards, two boys, both with brown hair and brown eyes, spoke up, "I'm Peter Stark, and this is my twin, Antonio. We are the sons of Ares."

Ares smiled at them. Clarisse smiled at them too. She missed them. The two brothers smiled back at them and gave Frank a smile as well.

Then three people came forward. "I am Rosalia Potter, and these are my older brothers, Lucy and Dean. We are Hecate's legacies." The only difference between Lucy and Rosalia was height. Lucy was slightly taller than Rosa. They both had dirty blonde hair. Dean had dark brown hair. They all had green eyes.

"I'm Hadrian Hale and this is my older brother, Alexander. We are both legacies of Apollo." They both looked almost identical, but Hadrian had more dirty blonde hair. They both had the same light blue eyes.

After the introductions were over, a long couch appeared. The whole gang went and sat there. Rissa turned and sat down next to her father, who was hugging her sideways.

"Can we start reading already?" asked Zeus impatiently.

Everyone nodded.

"Not yet!" said a voice from above them all.

Reading Meredith Nerissa Jackson-Book oneWhere stories live. Discover now