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First of all, sorry for not updating the story. I had school and it's my last year of college so I have a lot on my plate. But now I have a winter break so I will update the story.

Secondly, I have been thinking about Nerissa's soulmates for the last few weeks and I want to add Dionysus as a soulmate. Each soulmate completes her. Ares is her strength, Hades is her more serious side, Hermes is her fun side, and Apollo is her overall health. Dionysus would be her mental health. Let's face it, demigods have a lot of traumas. Nerissa has even more, so it seems to me she'd be complete with all five.

What do you think? Please comment. I'll let you comment until 26 December.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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