An Opiate Soaked World.

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Just another normal day at the studio, except everyone's here except Kurt.

I was really concerned because normally he's only 20 minutes late, but it's been 3 hours and I'm starting to get worried.

I looked all around the studio and no Kurt. Anywhere.

"I've looked everywhere, and I can't find him" I said, looking at Krist.

"Maybe check his apartment" Krist said, flicking his hair.

"I don't know where it is" I said.

"Well, don't tell him but I have his spare here take it..but give it back to me once you're back.." he said, hanging it to me.

He gave me Kurt's apartment address too.

"Thanks, Krist..I'll be back.." I said, half smiling.

Krist nodded.

I walked out of the studio and got into my car and drove to his apartment complex. I walked down the 3rd floors hallway till I got to room 323.

Maybe he's sick so I'll knock first.

I knocked.

" in there..?" I said, a little loud.

No answer.

I sigh.

One more time and then I'll try the key.

"Kurt..its me..N/Y/N.." I said, a little louder.

No answer.

Why isn't he answering me?

I turned the key into the door and opened the door.

"Kurt..?" I said, walking around the apartment.

A little messy but it's Kurt.

Kur-..oh my god..!"

I got cut off by finding Kurt, laying on the bathroom floor, surrounded by needles, some half-filled, some empty, but nevertheless needles.


Filled with heroin.

"Oh my god many of these did you take..?" I said, scrambling on the bathroom floor.

"Oh my overdosed..shit..shit..Kurt..stay with me please.." I panicked, with tears in my eyes.

I got up quickly and scrambled to his phone and called the ambulance.

" friend..has overdosed on heroin and I need..I need uh..come and help him..please..hurry.." I said, panicking and crying through every word.

I sat down by Kurt while I waited for the ambulance to come.

The ambulance came and they let me go with him.

They put him in a room and put him on IV and he was unconscious for a while.

While he was unconscious, I went to the telephone in the hospital and called the guys.

They were driving as we spoke, and they were planning to bring Kurt some good food.

I went back into his room and sat by him, holding his hand.

I wasn't going to move till he woke up.

I watched him intensely.

He groaned softly while opening his eyes.

Heart-Shaped Romance - Kurt Cobain x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now