Quick Drive in New York; Yeah Right (.4)

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At first, Sunny was in denial. There were plenty of people that wore similar clothes to her. Tons of people in New York had red leather jackets. She kept telling herself that as she and Snow searched for Wolf.

After about half an hour, Sunny was starting to get worried. Wolf wasn't in the main Business Office, his office, or even the bathroom. And neither was Crane. Both seemingly disappeared. Well, at least until they tried searching the holding cells down in the basement.

Once they got to the bottom of the stairs, Sunny stopped suddenly. "Can you hear that?"

"Sounds like... fighting?" Snow wondered. Somewhat confused.

Sunny moved to forward toward an adjacent door. Pushing it open to find what looked to be Wolf and another Fable (Blue Beard?) trying to kill each other.

"What the fuck are two doing?!"

Bigby couldn't stay focused as a cop by the name of Brannigan kept trying to talk to him.

"Mr Wolf!"

Bigby's eyes snapped away from the picture of Sunny's head.

"You're making this more difficult than it has to be," The detective told him as she slid the photo away. "If you'd just cooperate with me and answer my questions honestly, you can go home. Maybe get some sleep."

Bigby didn't say anything and kept smoking his cigarette. He was just trying to think out of his current situation.

"Let's start with the victim. How did you know her?" Brannigan asked. "Were you two close?"

"She was a friend," Bigby lied.

"Just a friend?"

"That's what I said," Bigby shrugged.

"And you also worked together at the... Woodland Luxury Apartments, is that right?"

That made Bigby realise that Brannigan had somewhat done her research. Meaning he had to try approaching the situation differently. "I guess."

"Please don't guess, Mr Wolf," Brannigan said. Sounding a little annoyed. "Just tell the truth. You and Ms Fei worked together. Is that where you last saw her?"

"Yeah, I saw her at work," Bigby internally decided maybe half-truths were the way to go about this.

"Do you know where she went after that?

"No idea. She kept to herself."

"You don't know if there was any boyfriend or family she might have gone to see?" Brannigan suggested.

Bigby just shook his head. He was asking himself the same questions, in all honesty. As the seconds ticked by, the more he wanted to go out of there and find the fucker that had done this.

"I guess you weren't all that close," Brannigan sighed. She paused for a moment before opening another folder. "Did you know you and Ms Fei's father were both born at the same hospital? The Knights of Malta here in the city. There's actually something a little weird about your records in particular. I found three different birth certificates for Bigby Wolf, all spaced about fifty years apart. What do you make of that?"

"I dunno, could be my father and grandfather," Bigby said.

"Yeah, but here's the thing, Mr Wolf," Brannigan said as she laid three copies of birth certificates out of the table. "All three of these birth certificates list the same parents, are signed by the same doctor and have the exact same birthday. The only difference is the year. "

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