The Princess and the Pig (.13)

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I don't think there's any major trigger warning for this chapter other than some mentions of injuries


"What was I doing?" Sunny thought as she lifted herself off the ground. She looked down to see white lilies covering the earth.

"What is-" Sunny grunted in pain when she tried to place her hand down.

She tried to focus but couldn't take her mind off the stabbing pain coming, what felt like everywhere. Her throat, her head, her hand. She was eventually able to flip herself over. Hoping it would ease the discomfort.

She looked up at the star-filled sky and again tried recounting her thoughts.

"I was... I was at the pudding n pie," Sunny tried to recall. "Crane, Tweddles, that fucking bitch."

"Language, Yen Yen."

Sunny's eyes snap open. Suddenly seeing her parents looking down at her. "Oh... this is a dream."

"It's almost as if she's not happy to see us, Angel," Sunny's father joked to her mother.

"I didn't say that," Sunny frowned at the illusion. She pulled herself up to get into a sitting position.

"You took quite the beating tonight, mi luz." Her father told her with a hint of concern.

Sunny looked down at her hand. For some reason, she couldn't focus on it. The pain was there. She could tell something was wrong. She just couldn't visualise it. "I wish I could say I had it worse."

"Well, don't look at me," A third voice jeered. "If I had control, we'd be in a very different situation."

Sunny looked in between her parents to see... herself?

At least, a Sunny that looked like she had her shit together. She didn't look like she just got headbutted. She was dressed in a dark red evening dress. Lacking the tired lines that we're currently under the real Sunny's eyes.

The other Sunny stared at her with a smug smile.

"No one asked you," Sunny frowned at the reflection.

"What are you? 12?" Other Sunny rolled her eyes.

"You're too hard on yourself," Sunny's father said. Sunny couldn't tell if the dream parents could see the copy too.

"He's always been too soft on you," Other Sunny nodded to her father. "Can you imagine if he were alive? If he saw you working for Ichabod Crane. What a disappointment you've turned out to be."

"I'm not-"

"And you even let him escape. Let Miss High and Mighty hand him over, and for what?"

"That woman would have killed Bigby!"

"Don't even get me started on the Wolf!" Other Sunny laughed. "That really makes me wish I was in control. Then I would have devoured him by now."

Sunny's mother suddenly spoke up. "I don't trust the Wolf."

"You've never trusted anyone I've shown interest in, Mom," Sunny sighed. "I'm surprised you let me get married to..."

The other Sunny frowned for a moment. "My god! You can't even say his name! It's a miracle you got married at all!"

Sunny felt her face go red. "Well, it doesn't matter now! Any hope for that relationship is long gone."

"It went on too long anyway," Other Sunny held her head in her hand. "The way you let that family treat Li-"

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