Witch Hunt (.10)

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More implied stalking in this chapter


Bigby found himself in a depressing-looking office building. Talking to a guy named Flycatcher. A ginger lad in an orange jumpsuit and novelty frog cap.

"Oh, hi... Sheriff Bigby! Great-great to see you. I...don't know if you remember me... I've, uh, seen you around, but you may have forgotten-" Flycatcher studdered.

"I know who you are, Flycatcher. You've worked at the Woodlands for...how many years now?" Bigby asked him as he smoked another cigarette.

Flycatcher let out an awkward laugh. "I think I've lost count. But, you know, Crane...uh, let me go...recently."

"Oh, yeah?"

"Yeah, I mean, it's no big deal... So...what brings you here? I mean, can I help you with anything? Are you here to see one of the brothers? Dee or Dum? They-they aren't-they aren't here right now. Not sure when they'll be back. Did you make an appointment? 'Cause I can let you in if you want to wait.

"Have you seen a witch come by?" Bigby asked.

"Um, I dunno, sometimes, but-"

"Really? Who is she? Do you know where she lives?"

"Uh, I don't know her name or where she lives, really. She just sometimes drops stuff off for the brothers... to deliver." The ginger scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"Deliver to who?" Bigby pressed.

"I've never had any reason to see for myself. Sorry." Flycatcher answered honestly. "It's been a...quiet night so far. I think the twins are out... Probably working on a case. Sometimes I don't see them for days.

"They gave me the job after Crane told me to get lost. He said I was just in the way. But I like it here. Gotta stay busy, you know...? Otherwise-" Flycatcher went quiet for a moment.

"Where's their office?" Bigby interrupted him.

"Oh, right this way. I was going there next anyway," Flycatcher snapped out of his daze. "I can let you in if you want. You can wait for them there."

"Sure. Thanks," Bigby said.

"No problem," Flycatcher smiled as he opened the door.

"I'm gonna have to take a look around," Bigby told him as he looked around the office.

It was messy as hell. Each of the walls was painted in a different colour. Yellow on the left, blue on the right. There were forgotten papers all over the floor. It was a disaster, but that's why Flycatcher was there. Bigby didn't really care about any of that. His eyes landed on the filing cabinets by the wall.

"Uh... Well, I guess that would be okay," Flycatcher said as he followed Bigby in.

"I wasn't really asking for permission," Bigby stated.

"Right. You're the sheriff. I just don't want to get in trouble or anything. I'm sure it's fine. I mean, they never told me not to let you in."

"Don't worry, I won't get you in trouble, alright?"

Flycatcher nodded as Bigby stubbed out his cigarette with his shoe.

Bigby opens the first drawer of the filing cabinets. Inside, there were files on a few different Fables. Most notably Beauty, Crane and Donkeyskin. Most of the notes detailed debts owned to the Crooked Man.

Bigby didn't like the implication that came with Beauty's file.

Georgie has an interest.

Wait till CM gives go ahead.

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