Say You're Joking (.8)

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TWs: a character has a panic attack when informed that someone has been stalking them, someone uses demeaning terms to refer to a deceased sex worker, and descriptions of people getting shot


"I don't... I don't know Sunny very well, please just...please be careful...when you tell her. And you should tell her, but-"

"I know."

"No, you don't know. You know how you felt when you saw that picture? Well, it's going to be much worse for her. Just remember that."

Sunny had been to a couple of funerals throughout her life. Only two of them had been for Fables. Her father's and now Lily's. Part of Sunny wanted to dissociate from the whole thing. Just bury the memories that kept trying to crawl to the surface. That went out the window when she found out that, apparently, everyone was meant to speak.

"I didn't know Lily personally," Sunny started, but had no idea where she was going with it. She kept looking nervously over the small crowd. For some reason, she kept hoping to see Catriona and Liena. Her aunt had apparently been an old customer of Holly's and wanted to support her, but she decided the last thing Liena needed was to go to a stranger's funeral.

Instead, she saw a lot of people who were unfamiliar to her. Snow, Lawrence, that blonde woman from the club, Nerissa, Gren, and, of course, Holly.

The strange thing about seeing Nerissa and other people from the club was the ribbons. It looked exactly like the ones on Faith and Lily. Sunny supposed it may have been some kind of way to show solidarity outside of work.

"But I have lost people, and it's never been easy. I'm not gonna lie and say it gets easier quickly. Hopefully, she'll be able to live on in the hearts of the people who loved her. I hope she would be happy knowing-"

Sunny stuttered when she spotted Bigby at the back of the crowd. "-that there are people who truly cared about her."

Sunny finished up her speech, rushed to the back of the crowd, and made her way over to the sheriff. "Bigby, is everything okay?"

The thing was, Sunny wasn't the only one to notice Bigby's arrival.

"No, not you," Holly stood up with a snarl.

"Holly, it's-" Sunny tried to say.

"He wasn't fucking invited," Holly stomped up to them. "He has no right to be here. Not after what he did."

"Look, Holly, I'm not here to start trouble," Bigby told her.

"You throw my sister down the Witching Well...and you have the nerve to show your face here?!" Holly shouted. "After you lie...after you promise me?"

"Holly, wait, that was Crane, just Crane." Snow defended. "He was the only one there when we stepped out for that hour."

The two of them had tried to tell her this before, but it seemed Holly was set on blaming Bigby.

"Bigby couldn't do anything about it. I was with him all afternoon." Sunny said.

"Don't cover for him!"

"I'm just saying what happened," Sunny stood her ground.

This was the last thing Sunny wanted. She wanted Holly to be able to say goodbye to her sister without any issues. She had been through exactly what Holly was, and she just wanted to help her get closure. Now she was standing in front of everyone, yelling at the woman.

"You can't tell me Bigby gives a shit about this!" Holly shook her head in disgust.

"Holly. It's gonna be okay," The woman in purple from the club (who Sunny had learned was named Vivian) tried to calm Holly down.

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