For Lily. And Faith. (Final)

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TWs mentions of sex work and murder. One character has something close to a panic attack at one point.


"I can't believe you got to spend every summer here!" Liena gushed to her mother. "This place is awesome."

Sunny smiled down at her daughter. It was comforting knowing that she wasn't too frazzled by all the sudden place changes over the last few weeks. Or if she was, she was trying to make the best of it.

"I'm sorry we can't stay," Sunny said.

"It's cool," Ace smiled as she kept working away on a puzzle she had started with Catriona. "I like this place, but it's not home."

"Maybe we could spend Christmas here this year?" Sunny offered.

Liena looked up with a bright look on her face. "Really? We've never spent Christmas with Grandpa's side of the family before."

"A lot of things have been changing lately," Sunny sighed.

Sunny had been reflecting back a lot on her life those past few months. One of her biggest regrets had been how little contact she'd kept with her dad's side of the family. She called Catriona and her uncle Dia every now and again, but that had mostly been due to her mother's insistence.

This would have been the first time she'd been to the cabin since just before Liena was born.

"Yenay!" A voice called from the top of the stairs. "Phone call! It's Wolf!"

Sunny got up from the floor and made her way up the stairs. Her uncle, Dia, was waiting to pass her the receiver. She took it and uttered a quiet thank you. She motioned for Dia to go away as she lifted the phone up to her ear. Dia rolled his eyes and walked back down the stairs.


"Hey, it's Bigby."

Sunny felt the blood drain from her face. "Yyeahh, Bigby. Listen, I know it was shitty of me to run off last night..."

"You don't have to justify yourself, you know?" Bigby told her.

Sunny's mind flashed back. It all happened so quickly. Running back up to the office, only to stop at the magic mirror with a dangerous thought.

"So Snow let you know where I went?" Sunny asked.

"Yeah, said you'd be back by tomorrow."

"That's right," Sunny fiddled with the phone cord.

She remembered asking the mirror something. To show her the Crooked Man's door again. She made him swear not to tell anyone she ever asked. She had been surprised it was still... working, and that it was fairly close by.

"Are you sure? I should be able to handle things on my own for a few-"

"It's fine. Really," Sunny smiled. "It's better not to put this kind of thing off."

All the Crooked Man's employees had cleared out by the time she got there. No signs of the twins, Jersey or even Tim. That was good and even better, she found files. Documents bookkeeping records of a lot of the Crooked Man's dealings over the years. It really wasn't just Crane that was under the Crooked Man's thumb.

"You know... most people would jump at the chance for a few extra days off," Bigby chuckled.

"Well, that's not really employee of the month behaviour, is it?" Sunny joked.

"When was this decided?" Sunny could hear Bigby smirking.

"I figured we could discuss it when I got back," Sunny shrugged.

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