Glass Houses (.18)

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"Bigby Wolf!" A far-off echo greeted as Sunny and Bigby walked into the factory. The lights flicked on as they went down the walkway.

Sunny's eyes landed on a pinboard sitting by the railing. There were various photos stuck to it.

"You used to be something."

The pictures were all related to the case. One of Lily, Faith and Nerissa leaving work. Another was from the night Bigby and Sunny had last spoken to Faith. Even a newer one of Snow, Sunny and Holly talking outside the Woodlands. The one that stood out to Sunny was a photo of Nerissa and Faith yelling at each other.

Sunny's shoulders tensed at the confrontation that they were being watched the whole time.

"They used to fear him, you know? They'd hide anywhere their small shivering bodies would fit."

The two continued on. Making their way into what looked like a maintenance room. Filled with various blinking machines and a workbench at the back. Sitting on the workstation was a case filled with silver bullets.

Sunny picked one up to examine it but flinched when she heard the voice right next to her ear.

"The Big Bad Wolf."

Sunny and Bigby both snapped around towards the voice but saw nothing there. Sunny started to turn back but staggered forward when she felt something hit her in the side of the head.

"It's about time you showed up," Mary said Bigby helped Sunny back up.

The duo didn't say anything. They just gave Mary pissed-off looks.

"Aw, come on," Mary smiled. "Don't be like that."

"Ah, Bigby, Ms Fei," The Crooked Man greeted from the door. "I see you've made it here in one piece. I do apologise, but I have some business to attend to. I leave you in the capable hands of my associate."

The Crooked Man nodded to Mary. "Come find me when you're finished, dear."

"Don't worry. This won't take long," Mary told him with glee.

"Get back here!" Sunny shouted at the Crooked Man. Pushing past Mary, only to get grabbed by the scalp and thrown back.

"Aw, don't wanna play?" Mary mocked.

Bigby swung his fist at Mary, but she ducked out of the way. Giving him a hard kick to the stomach. "Wow, what a man. Stealing punches while my back is turned. Didn't your mother ever teach you to fight proper?"

Sunny grabbed a nearby pipe and hit it over Mary's head with a loud smack. Mary's cheeky demeanour cracked a little in annoyance. She grabbed Sunny by the neck and threw her out of the room. The force behind it made Sunny slip up and fall over the railing to the ground floor. She landed on her stomach. She lifted herself up with a wince.

Bigby and Mary were still fighting from the sound of it. That was until everything went quiet. Bigby ran out of the room. He looks around in a mix of anger and concern until he spotted Sunny on the ground floor.

Sunny flashed an okay motion with her hand and was about to tell Bigby to stay where he was so they could regroup. Before she could, a strange clicking sound from the dark corners of the factory distracted Bigby.

As Bigby chased Mary, Sunny ran for the stairwell. Hoping to make her way back up to the upper levels. Somehow Mary was waiting there for her. Only she didn't look like the Bloody Mary Sunny had become acquainted with over the last few days.

It was like all the colour had been washed out of her with the expectation of that red steak of hair and her now blood-red eyes. Pieces of glass were sticking out all over her body, now covered in strange markings.

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